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Using ipad 2 as a Wifi hotspot


iPF Noob
Mar 20, 2012
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I have a 3G iPad 2 and wondering if I can use it as a wifi hotspot. I understand that you can do it with an iPhone and thought that it was an option with ios5.1
Yep, it's only on the new iPad and, from what I read, it's only if you use the carrier Verizon (in the USA). And, I am unsure about outside the states, but I believe it's up to each carrier to decide whether to use it. The new iPad has the capability, it's just up to the carrier(s) if they wish to allow it.

Hope this clarifies.
I had iPad 1, 2 and 3 none of which had the hotspot feature. When I bought appleTV and installed it the hotspot feature appeared on my iPad 3. I read that telcos require that it be disabled in Australia and that a variety of minor changes to some settings can reveal it. Others am know more. Anyway now I can use the hotspot feature whereas before it was not even available in settings

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