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Unknown user ID pops up for iTunes. Help!


iPF Noob
Purchased a new iPad2 last night from WalMart. Everything has transferred over from my iPad1 via the iCloud just perfectly. However, I am now getting a consistent iTunes pop-up for a password that has iTunes user ID I have never seen before.

I am assuming that there is an app somewhere on the device that is wanting to update that is associated with this ID I have never seen before. This leads me to ask a couple questions:

1-is this iPad used (ie refurbed)?
2-how do I get it to laptop?

Was your iPad 1 jail broken? If so you might have had a hacked app on the old iPad that transferred over to your new iPad 2. If you have a PC you could install iTools Beta English 2012 and be able to view all the apps installed on your iPad. This program will show you what iTunes account is associated with each app. That way you will be able to find out what app is giving you the nag to update and delete it from your iPad. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Forgot to mention that the program is also able to transfer the apps from your iPad to your laptop so you can put them into your iTunes.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I just found the simple solution. When the Apple ID request pops up with the unknown ID, I need to put in the correct ID to login. I then went to Settings/Store and logged out of the Store. I then logged back in, and have not had the problem since. I understand it's something to do with restoring my device from iCloud.


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