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Twitter Adds “Go Live” Periscope Button for Select Number of iOS Users


iPadForums News Team
Twitter adds Go Live Periscope Button.webp

MacRumors reports that Twitter has started to roll out a new live-streaming Periscope button in its iOS app that enables users to start real-time broadcasting via the first-party Twitter app without having to move to the Periscope app. If the user doesn’t have Periscope already installed on their phone, then they’ll be prompted to download it from the App Store.

Twitter told BuzzFeed that it started testing the new “Go Live” button on Android in May, and will now be rolling it out to a “small group” of iOS users over the next week. In order to use the feature, simply start composing a tweet and you’ll see the Periscope button icon with the word “LIVE” at the bottom of the tweet, next to the photo and video buttons.

Twitter has yet to reveal when Go Live will be available for everyone to use, but rest assured, it will be available soon.
Image: BuzzFeed
Source: Twitter Rolls Out 'Go Live' Periscope Button to Small Group of iOS Users

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