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Let's assume for a moment...you better avoid any thread like that, otherwise you get banned.
@numlock are these microfiche public torrents? In other words what do in search for..... BTW I use utorrent on my little netbook, and I seldom actually download anything..... But I enjoy obscure old, indie label Christian rock stuff from the 70's and 80's, and torrents are the only place some of it even exist. Those microfiche sound like something I would like ......
@numlock are these microfiche public torrents? In other words what do in search for..... BTW I use utorrent on my little netbook, and I seldom actually download anything..... But I enjoy obscure old, indie label Christian rock stuff from the 70's and 80's, and torrents are the only place some of it even exist. Those microfiche sound like something I would like ......
Yeah, you can find them all over. In fact, I just came across a new collection (13 GB) using Google.
[ame=http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=appropriate+technology+torrent]appropriate technology torrent - Google Search[/ame]
Its like old Peace Corps stuff - tons of it. Growing cabbage and home-produced Methane in Africa. Simple human powered well-digging in India. Occasionally I just want to know how to do stuff...even if I'll never do it of course. But its like the sum-total of public domain knowledge doesn't require machines and electricity, and I wouldn't want to let it die out. So I contribute a little piece of my hard drive to it.
A new version is available here: http://itorrent.ermak.us/
A new version is available here: http://itorrent.ermak.us/