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TinyUmbrella not fooling iTunes


iPF Noob
Hey everyone,

I'm simply trying to get my iPad1 back to factory conditions (factory firmware 4.2.1). My iPad had been JBed a long time ago via the tethered Redsnow method, and along the way I installed a lot of junk.

Now I want to get it back to factory 4.2.1 (and maybe JB it again untethered).

I'm following this guide:

I confirm that I have the original 4.2.1 blob.

I'm running the TSS server in TinyUmbrella, and then load up itunes. Then I the press the "Restore" button. The problem is, it doesn't look like the TSS server is fooling iTunes. iTune throws up the following message:

The ipad software update server could not be contacted

Make sure your network settings are correct...

I'm not having any luck getting past this message.

Any ideas?
Why not upgrade it to 5.1.1? It's untethered jailbreakable using Absinthe, and it gives you more Cydia/AppStore support as 95%+ of apps/tweaks requires iOS 4.3.3 if not iOS 5.0+. That way you won't be limited.
You know what, you make an excellent point.

My concern was that IOS 5.x was reported as slow by some people.

Anyways, I caved and restored my iPad1 to 5.1.1.

Lets see the reports are true...
Not at all. In my opinion, iOS 5 is by far one of the most stable iOS out there, and it gives users a wider range of tweak and app support. The only stigma that iOS 5 has is that apparently it drains the battery on the iPhones. Honestly, I've ran iOS 5 on most if not all my devices for the full duration and haven't upgraded any of them to iOS 6 until a little bit into March and such. I don't see that much of a performance difference compared to iOS 4 in terms of lacking anything, but of course it ran a bit smoother considering it's a new iOS. Give it a whirl if anything, and if you do end up wanting to downgrade back to iOS 4, that's easily do-able.

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