Simon Wood
iPF Noob
A friend sent this to me and it put a smile on my face. 

I want an IRoom, basically like the holodeck from StarTrek
a friend of mine and I were discussing the next steps last night partly based on your post.
it was a exciting to think of where the technology will go in the next few years, and better still in our lifetimes.
The point that really emerged after a few scotches and too many cigars, (we smoke in the garage/shop and needed to open the doors due to the possibility of asphyxiation from cigar smoke and lies), is that while the IPad may not be the game changer in terms of sales or a singular product revolution, what Apple is doing is spurring other growth in terms of possibilities. Other products, competition, the wants of people for more functionality and apps, the list goes on.
Apple is planting seeds for innovation on a level that other companies just can't grasp. And they are doing it with simple devices that do relatively simple things, yet are so compelling that when people get their hands on them, they become a personal extension of themselves and how the are seen by their peers and beyond.
I did not intend to write a book on this, thats your area, but I did want to say your simple post spurred a great hour plus conversation.
I want an IRoom, basically like the holodeck from StarTrek
The future is Borg... you shall be assimilated...