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The iPad Revolution


iPF Noob
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Fountain vly ca
After viewing your posts about various hotels, restaurants, airlines et al uses of the iPad and then the way UK Torus paid for their iPads (by supplanting paper docs), I've come to the conclusion that we are seeing the start of a new computer revolution -- probably bigger than the invention of the laptop. :) :D :p Congratulations to Steve Jobs and his Apple team -- what a coup !!!
What amuses me is the way so many people rip a product apart before release.

Apple or otherwise, why can't people give things a chance?

Its like the Wii all over again, and look how that turned out.
What amuses me is the way so many people rip a product apart before release.

Apple or otherwise, why can't people give things a chance?

Its like the Wii all over again, and look how that turned out.

You're exactly right. Watching fanboys on both sides of the fence, well, all sides, Apple, Windows, Android, is simply mind numbingly maddening. Anyone that is truly into tech and advancing technologies is insane not to acknowledge a new product simply because it has the wrong "company affiliation". The iPad is setting a very high bar for tablets, especially with the establishment of apps that are working so well and developing so nicely. Android and Windows have quite a way to go, but I hope they get there. Competition is a good thing in this field. Constantly drives companies to improve. Otherwise, stagnation sets in.
I think the last time I "took sides" was when I was 13 and favored the Megadrive over the SNES - and for no other reason than the Megadrive was all my parents could afford. Even then, that ended as soon as I played Street Fighter 2 and Super Mario World on my cousins SNES. I ended up with both eventually, and lived happily ever after.

The End.
The greatest asset for the iPad is the itunes foundation that it rests on. In fact the itunes store is what puts Apple above the rest of all of their mobile iDevices.
Apple is one of the few computer companies that realize that a great looking and functioning device is worthless if people find it too hard to use, or cannot find enough functionality to justify the cost. The early adoption of personal computers took years because there was too little that the everyday person could do with them. It was only after they could do documents and spread sheets that they became a part of the office. And then came the years of trying to make sense of the internet. Apple took that to heart and made a foundation to build their products on.
Lots of ancillary comments -- but agreement ?

I appreciate the various comments but am interested to know if anyone agrees with my original stipulation, i.e. that we're on the cusp of a computer revolution.
The greatest asset for the iPad is the itunes foundation that it rests on. In fact the itunes store is what puts Apple above the rest of all of their mobile iDevices.

Much truth is here........without the foundation, the iPad would be the biggest fail for Apple since iTV......
I appreciate the various comments but am interested to know if anyone agrees with my original stipulation, i.e. that we're on the cusp of a computer revolution.

The computer revolution began when the machines became accessible to the home, non-tech user. TIME magazine named the computer "Machine Of The Year" in 1983, instead of some frail humanoid 'Man Of The Year'.

All this is progress.
I think its a bit of hype to call it a "revolution". I would say its more of an incremental step. It fills a niche that other devices were previously doing, but in a more portable way. Its allowing some things that were previously tied to a desktop or bulky laptop to be more mobile. I dont see many cases where its made something new possible that wasnt already. Its just a new tool to accomplish those things in a more fun and more useful way.
I appreciate the various comments but am interested to know if anyone agrees with my original stipulation, i.e. that we're on the cusp of a computer revolution.

In my opinion, no, not with the iPad. Apple and Steve Jobs are too controlling for this too grow the way it has to in order to fit the needs or a large segment of the population. I see the iPad as a pioneer product, but someone else will make it the "killer app" it needs to become to integrate into society.
Electronic information and it's accessibility has been the revolution. iPad and smart phones are just the new tools.
Anyone anywhere with a smartphone can instantly access information which earlier took dedicated researchers years to acquire.

Portability is just the next step in computing. For twenty years we've been tied to our desktops
Glad I'm alive now to play with them, but the future looks even sweeter.....

P.s. The controlling arguments about apple are really irrelevant. The bottom line is that they are a commercial company with a belief that customer satisfaction is their main priority. As Jobs said, if people don't like their products they won't buy them.
Yeah I think Apple has finally changed the computer world with the iPad .
Ok the iPad has it's limitations but considering this is a 1st generation model I sure over the next few years it will get better features and the ability to do more things.

Well done to everyone at Apple....

Ps I also have the i4 and it's also a nice little product
...I've come to the conclusion that we are seeing the start of a new computer revolution -- probably bigger than the invention of the laptop.
I am with Hasty on this one. While the introduction of the iPad is certainly a significant milestone in computing, it is more of an evolution the revolution.

Digital photography, for example, was a revolution. It represents a whole paradigm shift from the old way of capturing images on film. Although the mechanism for gathering light through glass lenses remains essentially the same, that is where the similarity ends. Digital imaging has, for all intents and purposes, replaced film. Try buying a roll of Kodachrome these days!

While the iPad is a totally new type of portable computing and communications device, I don't think it is going to replace laptops (or devices like netbooks) or "smart" phones. I am sure the iPad or something like it will evolve to something more than an iPod on steroids, but for now, I personally don't think it represents a whole new way of computing or communicating.
What amuses me is the way so many people rip a product apart before release.

Apple or otherwise, why can't people give things a chance?

Its like the Wii all over again, and look how that turned out.

You're exactly right. Watching fanboys on both sides of the fence, well, all sides, Apple, Windows, Android, is simply mind numbingly maddening. Anyone that is truly into tech and advancing technologies is insane not to acknowledge a new product simply because it has the wrong "company affiliation". The iPad is setting a very high bar for tablets, especially with the establishment of apps that are working so well and developing so nicely. Android and Windows have quite a way to go, but I hope they get there. Competition is a good thing in this field. Constantly drives companies to improve. Otherwise, stagnation sets in.

Yes it is quite hilarious.

I have a droid, ipad and a PC. My son asked me what I want to get for a phone next summer. Iphone or Droid?

My answer: Whichever one has the better device when the contract is up.

I really do not understand the fanboy to a brand thing. It remind me of the chevy/ ford/ dodge thing of 30 years ago.

I like all gadgets myself.. Let the best one win at the time I can afford to buy.
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