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Streaming Problems


iPF Noob
Apr 27, 2010
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I'm having problems with slow streaming/buffering. Can someone click the above video on their iPad and tell me if it's slow or not? When I watch this on my laptop it runs great, but on iPad it's horribly slow and choppy (same network). I spent a good hour talking to apple support with no luck..


p.s No, I'm not an Info Wars nut. This is just an example of random videos not working on iPad.
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Plays perfect on my iPad.... Not an iPad issue, a YouTube or your internet provider or your modem issue....

Some you tube videos just are not as fast streaming as others...
It was really slow on my iPad as well. I have the same problem with all YouTube videos on my iPad. The same videos run great on my laptop. I have googled the issue and we're not alone, it's a fairly common problem though not everyone experiences it.
Yes, got the same problem with my iPad wifi. My Asus net book works great for Youtube but on the iPad it's dial up speed - no matter whether it's HD video or standard. It's really noticable on my mifi 2200 mobile. At home or at a public wifi hotspot it's hit or miss. Works great on CNN.:confused:
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Exactly. Streaming worked fine in my apps, it was only slow in Safari and YouTube. I returned my iPad five days ago. I'll report back when the new one arrives.

p.s (I have a 3G iPad but these problems occur on WIFI)
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