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sound recordings where to find


iPF Noob
Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
Coventry UK
Hi i have a couple of apps that i have recorded sounds in, the problem is i cannot find them, i can find them in the app as they come up to play although you cannot delete them from the app. any ideas where they are stored. and no the ipad is not jailbroke. any help. also if you might know a music edit app that is okay.
apps save files into the apps folder. you must delete them in the app.

have you tried swiping your finger accross the recordings names to delete them?
apps save files into the apps folder. you must delete them in the app.

have you tried swiping your finger accross the recordings names to delete them?

Thanks you are right, just swiped across. Thanks for the swift reply and help. geoff:D

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