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Sorry if its being said before, but any way to MAKE IPAD SPEAKER LOUDER??


iPF Noob
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Is their any way to make it louder, I own an Ipad 1 with the latest firmware and jailbroken, got it 3 days ago and as a former owner of an iphone 3G it was a breeze as always,

Anyways, I've been on the android wagon for some time know and currently have an HTC EVO 3D, and even though its one of the worst speaker phones ever, to my surprise the Ipad is not much louder than it, it's less than my regular EVO which has a loud speaker

Well my question is if their is any way to make it louder via hack on the actual firmware or an app or something because i've noticed that it has the capability to be louder but its like apple restricted it for safety?
so volume boost 4.0 is the only thing out their? Is their something else that doesnt install winterboard, when I had my iphone winterboard had a lot of cons and made devices slower so not sure how it works on the ipad?
I believe you ought to ask your questions in the thread I linked. Think the mods like to keep the number of similar threads to an absolute minimum.

Unfortunately, I have no answer to your query. Sorry...

//Stefan 

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