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SMS messaging


iPF Noob
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
H there

Does anyone know if you can send and receive SMS messages through an iPad? I have an iPad2 16gb 3G.

Thanks for your help


All for one and one for all!
H there

Does anyone know if you can send and receive SMS messages through an iPad? I have an iPad2 16gb 3G.

Thanks for your help


All for one and one for all!

There are apps that can send text messages via the service provider's website but no apps that can send or receive text messages on a non-jailbroken iPad directly from the iPad itself. On jailbroken iPads there are both 'phone and text messaging apps available.

There are a number of apps that offer a SMS service via their servers such as Heywire. Unfortunately, most of them require you to be in the USA or Canada to be of any use.

I am myself looking for an app to SMS from the iPad that works in Europe ( specifically Italy), but I'm not holding my breath. :-(

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Mountainbikermark said:
Gwynsft, how about TextNow, Text Free or Text+? Will any of them work?

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I can only speak for Text+. It works great as an IM app between devices, but if will only do sms from/to the USA as yet.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Well crud. I know I've tried one that was supposed to work to/from many more countries than the US. I distinctly remember it talking about Europe. I could have sworn it was one of those. I've only got Text+ now, love it for the multiple notification to all my devices at once.

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