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SimCity Deluxe Cheats, Tips, and Guides

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iPF Noob
Nov 3, 2012
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I love SimCity (even though they haven't updated the game) and I might as well try helping others, or if y'all know other things from SimCity feel free to leave Cheats, Tips, or Guides to missions, Thanks!
This are the only cheats I could find, I'm positive there are more but here's the ones I know that 100% Work "I am weak": Everything you build will cost zero money. "Pay tribute to your king": Unlocks all rewarded buildings. "Nerdz rule": Industrial Buildings have high technology and this reduces pollution in the city. "Garbage in, Garbage out": (If you start the game on the year 2000 you already have all the recycling buildings) Unlocks the following Recycling Plant, Incinerator (Hazardous), Waste to Energy Plant (Hazardous, Provides power). "UFO swarm (unconfirmed): UFOs swarm your city (even though you can access that by pressing the yellow triangle with a "!" on it. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•. If you go online and search for more cheats, you will always find someone claiming that cheats from another Simcity game work on this but that is not true. That's all the cheats I know, feel free to put any other that you have seen before thanks!
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4x4 zones: I am not sure anyone was aware but you can build 4x4 Industrial zones (Im not sure if it works for Residential or Commercial zones, I haven't tried it) Here's a pic of a building named "SimMars Site and Testing Facility"


And this is how it looks after industrial Demand goes down

I'm guessing that there aren't many SimCity fans anymore :,(, lol no one has replied to this thread I doubt anyone has seen it :/
I am a fan, have played it for years on PC, I now play on the ipad i didn't think you could use cheats on the iPad.
Land Value= Different Styled buildings. In Sim city there are 7 land values Astronomical, Very High, High, Average, Low, Very Low, (I forgot the last one but its the lowest you can get). When eve you place more Eco friendly Recreational buildings near zones, they are more likely to have a higher land value. Whenever you have Very High or Astronomical Land Value on a Commercial or Residential zone, More Luxurious buildings will appear.


The buildings on the front row are some buildings you can get when your Land Value is Very high or astronomical. I am not sure if Industrial zones get passed average land value but I found this building that was industrial and I've never seen it before (The land value or the Industrial zone was average)


So Hope this helps somebody :]
4x4 Residential?! After playing SimCity for a long time I just discovered that there is a 4x4 Residential building the pic below is how it looks when it's being constructed


And this is the best residential building I've seen, but you need to have a very high Residential demand, the second the building was built my residential demand started sinking. Here's the pic of the 4x4 Residential building.


I will now try to find a Commercial 4x4 building
saphire said:
I still play on the PC but do these cheats work on the iPad, I don't see anywhere to to type in.

Let me search to see, I'm actually using my iPod and in order to enter the cheats you need to shake your device, I accidentally discovered it when my iPod fell an I found a place to enter cheats, I am not sure if its the same for the iPad
I decided to play the tutorial again and read it verycarefully, and what do ya know I found out what's the biggest size each zone can be, Residential zones: 4x4; Commercial zones: 3x3; Industrial Zones: 5x5 here's the part of the tutorial that says this

Thanks for the tips and hints. I was so happy to find sim city for my ipad after so many years. I look forward to using all the advice and sharing my experiences

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