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Send video file from pc to iPad


iPF Noob
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have never transferred video from a pc to any handheld device before so bear with me.

Is there a way of putting in a DVD on a pc and send a copy of the film to my iPad I have 64GB so I know I have got enough memory.

Thanks in advance.
Short version is yes, you have to rip the dvd on your pc then convert it to mp4 for the ipad to read it.
there are lots of different progs around for the pc to rip and to convert your dvd. depends if you want to pay for a program or get a freeware prog or if you know the right place to go.
You say that you have not transfered a file from pc to ipad before it also sound that you have not ripped a dvd onto a pc. there are lots of anwser if you gogle the question. As i do not know how much you know about coms.

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