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RDP on Ipad


iPF Noob
Jul 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys

Hoping someone can help me here. I want to use my ipad instead of having a PC running. I now have a server I can access using RPD on the ipad. It works great, but if I need to do more serius work, the touchscreen is a bit to slow to use. So my question is if I can use a mouse and keybord with an RDP app? It does not matter if I have to pay for the app, and if I need to buy apple keyboard and mouse. Yestoday I found a cydia app for connecting a mouse, and it worked in RDP as well, but no right click :-( Since right click is pretty vital on windows, that wont work for me, so I have to have support for rigth click as well.

Help plz :)
I have found hte 2x client app works well, is free, and supports bluetooth keyboard. i haven''t tried with mouse though, but since i can do mostly everything with keyboard I've not had an issue. The app is free, too.

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