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Question about reading/deleting mail


iPF Noob
Aug 21, 2011
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I have 2 e-mail accounts, one is with G-Mail.

On my iPad 2 I set it up to read my e-mail.
When I go to my actual Gmail account, the mail is there even though I deleted it off the Pad.

How and where do I go to change the settings, so that when I read an e-mail on the iPad and then deleted, it is then no longer in the Gmail (via the web site)?

Does that make sense? not sure how to word the question.

Well, I can think to two possibilities, maybe three.

Since GMail is pushed to the iPad, it is often possible to read new mail when you don't have an internet connection (if it was pushed while you had a connection). In that case you could delete emails and have them disappear from the iPad. The emails won't be deleted off the server until you open the Mail app again after connecting back to the internet. It seems obvious, but would be easy to overlook.

Another possibility is that for some reason you don't have IMAP enabled for your GMail. In that case you need to visit the Google Email site and go to your mail settings. If you are using the new site you'll find it under the gear icon at the top right of the page. The attached pictures shows the default IMAP setup and should work. Once you do that, I'd delete the account on the iPad under Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, and add it again. Just to make sure it sets itself up as IMAP and not POP. POP accounts typically do not delete email on the server when it's deleted from a mobile client, so the symptoms do match.

If you have your GMail set up as an Exchange account, ignore the IMAP (though it won't hurt to check it and correct the settings). Only the first explanations might make sense. I can't think of anything else that would in this case.


  • GMailSettings.jpg
    60.4 KB · Views: 369
Hi, may I know how to keep the emails on the iPad? As currently I received email via iPad, but once it has been read and it disappeared. Nevertheless, my office desktop still keeping those emails. Please help. Thank you all in advance.
Hi, may I know how to keep the emails on the iPad? As currently I received email via iPad, but once it has been read and it disappeared. Nevertheless, my office desktop still keeping those emails. Please help. Thank you all in advance.

It depends on your account type. If your account is IMAP, then you can create folders and move the email there. Those folders will sync with the server, making them available on there as well.

But from you description, it sounds like you are using POP. Before trying to find a workaround for a POP account (because it's a pain) check with your email provider's support pages and see if they offer an IMAP server; then switch both your computer and iPad to that.
twerppoet said:
It depends on your account type. If your account is IMAP, then you can create folders and move the email there. Those folders will sync with the server, making them available on there as well.

But from you description, it sounds like you are using POP. Before trying to find a workaround for a POP account (because it's a pain) check with your email provider's support pages and see if they offer an IMAP server; then switch both your computer and iPad to that.

Thanks for your expertise
The G-mail settings are set to IMAP.
Plus "Auto-Expunge on.."

I changed it to Off and then
When a message is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible IMAP folder:
Move the message to the Trash

will see if that works
I'm using my gmail account through MS Exchange, I receive 2 extra gmail accounts on my personal account and keep track using filters, I have no issues on my iPad but one, when I delete a mail on my iPad it doesn't get "deleted" on the server, it goes to archive. I don't delete that much email, but some of them are not worth saving. Any suggestions?
I'm using my gmail account through MS Exchange, I receive 2 extra gmail accounts on my personal account and keep track using filters, I have no issues on my iPad but one, when I delete a mail on my iPad it doesn't get "deleted" on the server, it goes to archive. I don't delete that much email, but some of them are not worth saving. Any suggestions?
Here you go...

Settings App > Mail, Contacts, Calendars (sidebar) > Accounts - Select the Exchange account > Account > Advanced (scroll to bottom) > Mailbox Behaviors > Deleted Mailbox > On the Server > Trash
thanks - that should help me as well.
Ok, When i get to
Settings App > Mail, Contacts, Calendars (sidebar) > Accounts
If i select my exchange account (gmail) I only get a few options none of them "Advanced" I'm using iOS 5.0.1. Am I missing something?
The Advanced options that Rich describes only show up in the default IMAP setup for GMail. I don't know of any way to control archiving with the Exchange setup.
No. You can only sync contacts and multiple calendars with the Exchange account. IMAP will let you sync your primary calendar.

It is possible to use both account types as long as you are careful to only turn on the services in one account. You could set up the IMAP account and only turn on Mail, then use the Exchange account for Contacts and Calendars.

One other thing. The GMail IMAP service does not Push, so if you use it for Mail you will get mail only as often as you have the Fetch timer set for, or whenever you open the Mail app.

To get mail to truly delete, even in the IMAP account, you'll probably need to tweak the IMAP settings on Google's site. Otherwise I'm pretty sure they end up in All Mail anyway.

Or you can just leave things they way they are, and periodically go to the All Mail folder and delete the extra emails manually.

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