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Proloquo2Go (Education) Price: $189.99


iPF Noob
Proloquo2Go 1.3

Category: Education
Price: $189.99, Version: 1.2 -> 1.3 (iTunes)


Proloquo2Go provides a full-featured augmentative and alternative communication solution for people who have difficulty speaking. It provides natural sounding text-to-speech voices (INITIALLY AMERICAN AND BRITISH ENGLISH ONLY), up-to-date symbols, powerful automatic conjugations, a default vocabulary of over 7000 items, full expandability and extreme ease of use.

Proloquo2Go is for anyone who cannot afford spending thousands of dollars on an AAC device and yet wants a solution that is just as good if not better. SLPs, teachers and parents recommend it for children and adults with autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, developmental disabilities, apraxia, ALS, stroke or traumatic brain injury.

"The price is so compelling," said Dan Herlihy, owner of Connective Technology Solutions, "and the software and hardware platform Proloquo2Go runs on so radically improved over current devices in its category that if not quite a paradigm shift, markedly raises the bar for accessibility, ease of use, and affordability."

INCLUDED VOICES: The current version includes North American English male, female, girl and boy voices. These can be swapped at no costs for British voices that can be downloaded through WiFi by Proloquo2Go. Support for other languages and voices is in the pipeline.

Read more on proloquo2go.com

What's New

* Now also optimized for the iPad. This version is a universal binary that will run optimally on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

* Added additional items sizes for the iPad

* Support for landscape view and device rotation.

* Redesigned toolbar for easier access to core functions

* Additional Appearance Settings for a fine-tuned user experience

* Rewritten core grid engine for higher performance

* Lots of small improvements and fixes
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please note that the price has now increased by $30 on app store. Anyone know of any other AAC apps or similiar apps for Android and Apple? :confused: :) Joy
OOPS Guess I should have washed my mouth out with soap and water after mentioning the A.......d word on this forum. Guess some of you will be broad minded enough to help me out. Joy
This is a special app and frankly what it provides is worth a lot more than Apple store charges for it. Life is to short if you need it buy it.... You can go to their web site and read reviews.. As for Android most likely it is the same price.... Personally I would trust the Apple iTunes Store for this App before I would even look at android option. The reason is Apple tests every app before releasing it.

Hope this helps.
please note that the price has now increased by $30 on app store. Anyone know of any other AAC apps or similiar apps for Android and Apple? :confused: :) Joy

OOPS Guess I should have washed my mouth out with soap and water after mentioning the A.......d word on this forum. Guess some of you will be broad minded enough to help me out. Joy

This is a very well versatile app that has been on the Market for several years. This has been used by many Rehab Specialists and have made recommendations to families to use for home use. As Col, our administrative staff has said...life is too short. If you can purchased it and improve a loved one's quality of life, then it is all worth it at the end.

If you need more options...have a look at this thread. This may give you better idea of what is out there: http://www.ipadforums.net/apps-spec...der-asd-other-developmental-disabilities.html

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
I am on a quest to find an app for a friend for whom I am legal guardian. She has specific communication needs as she has Huntington's Disease which is degenrative and has now lost most of her ability to talk and also her fine motor control has gone. Has large involuntary movts as well. Need to find a simple app that can be adjusted to her needs. I will have to self fund all equipment and software. She is in care so there are many questions about successful implementation and reinforcement of her learnings. All of this has to be carefully thought out if she is, in fact, able to manipulate the app to enable her to communicate as her cognitive ability is not assessable in conventional terms so it is a real challenge. Big challenge is getting professionals to go through same learning curve I will have to in facilitating the maximum utilisation of this app to her needs. We live about 2000 kms apart so it is not an easy thing just to buy something. Lots to consider. Joy
I am on a quest to find an app for a friend for whom I am legal guardian. She has specific communication needs as she has Huntington's Disease which is degenrative and has now lost most of her ability to talk and also her fine motor control has gone. Has large involuntary movts as well. Need to find a simple app that can be adjusted to her needs. I will have to self fund all equipment and software. She is in care so there are many questions about successful implementation and reinforcement of her learnings. All of this has to be carefully thought out if she is, in fact, able to manipulate the app to enable her to communicate as her cognitive ability is not assessable in conventional terms so it is a real challenge. Big challenge is getting professionals to go through same learning curve I will have to in facilitating the maximum utilisation of this app to her needs. We live about 2000 kms apart so it is not an easy thing just to buy something. Lots to consider. Joy

Hi Joy--I sympathize with the challenges that you are dealing with in finding needs for your friend. If your friend is still in care, assuming with a Neuro Rehab team, perhaps they can offer some resources to you both as well. Also, they may be able to direct you to certain after-care programs specific for people dealing with Huntington Diseases. I say this only because we have special offerings like this in the USA. More specifically in Michigan we have fantastic programs for kids with autism, people with strokes, and developmental delayed/ disabled populations.

One group we have which is on its 25th year anniversary is our Stroke focus group called "Cane and Able!" It's fantastic and really helps those who had strokes and their family deal with the every day challenges they may have.

Hope that helps you.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator

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