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iPF Noob
May 30, 2011
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What is the easiest method of printing from the ipad2 to my network printer? Can't seem to print.
If your network printer is WiFi and is on the list of iPad AirPrint supported printers, then you can print directly from the iPad.

If it's not an AirPrint printer, but still has WiFi then you can use a third-party app, such as PrintCentral, to print to (most) WiFi printers.

If it's not a WiFi printer, or it's not directly supported by PrintCentral, then it absolutely can be used to print via your PC and a small, free, app called WePrint that you can download from the PrintCentral developer's website. Using PrintCentral and WePrint any printer - WiFi or wired-via-PC - can be used.

If you have a computer you leave on all the time, you can also choose AirPrint Activator for PC or Mac, or Printopia for the Mac. These let your computer pretend to be an AirPrint compatible printer. It will share any printers that it can access with the iPad. Printopia has a few extra options that are nice.
If your network printer is WiFi and is on the list of iPad AirPrint supported printers, then you can print directly from the iPad.

If it's not an AirPrint printer, but still has WiFi then you can use a third-party app, such as PrintCentral, to print to (most) WiFi printers.

If it's not a WiFi printer, or it's not directly supported by PrintCentral, then it absolutely can be used to print via your PC and a small, free, app called WePrint that you can download from the PrintCentral developer's website. Using PrintCentral and WePrint any printer - WiFi or wired-via-PC - can be used.


Thank you, Tim. Your answer helped me as well.
Update. I found a program for Windows that works like Printopia. It is called FingerPrint.

Thanks, poet. Just downloaded the free 7-day version of FingerPrint and it works just fine. It's a very simple process - download, install, launch on your PC (there is nothing to be installed on the iPad). It then gives you a list of all the printers and printer drivers that you've got installed on your PC and you can select which ones you'd like to be 'on offer' from your iPad.

Once that's done, open an app on the iPad that supports in-app printing and you'll see the printer choices that you've selected on your PC on offer, just as though they were legitimate AirPrint printers. You get all the usual choices - what pages do you want to print, how many copies etc and then hit 'Print' and it's all done.


Thanks for this great find!! So now we're back to real in-app printing!! Apple - eat your heart out!!

You should also be able to print to your DropBox folders, or to other folders you set up. This gives you a way to convert a file to PDF and transfer it to the computer in one shot.

I use Printopia this way to save receipts that I've receive via email.
Just tried fingerprint. All printers show up OK on the ipad and PC, but nothing prints. Tried the Open my PC Printer, but again no joy.

Still trying to come to grips re this whole printing stuff. Is Safari considered an App and am I therefore having the problem? PrintCentral Pro does work, but I would rather not have to spawn off into this App every time I want to print something (i.e , copying and then pasting the URL into the App. Putting a z in front of the URL whilst in Safari, as suggested by PrintCentral, doesn't work for me either.

I really just want the iPad to be able to print as my PC does - straight out of any application and not via some kind of "bridge" or interface.
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Not sure how to help you with the PC side of things, since I don't actually use FingerPrint. The developer's site has some basic troubleshooting help, and you might be able to contact them if that does not work

Collobos Software
I have read a lot on this program and hope to download it when I get time. Will let you know if it works from my iPad. I understand that you need to leave your iMac or PC on to use the program.
If your printer is compatible, use AirPrint.... If not, is a third party app found on the app store.
Or, as mentioned before in this thread, use a program called FingerPrint that runs on your PC - no need for an App on the iPad at all with this solution. Works a treat on all my PC connected printers. But yes, your PC needs to be ON for printing to take place.

The other option is the WePrint program running on your PC, but you then also require an App to run on the iPad.

I run and use both simultaneously as some Apps on the iPad redirect you away from the standard PRINT Menu.

Of the two, FingerPrint gives the best results printing wise and it's rare that I need to use the WePrint solution.
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I would like to start a scrapbook paper company. How do I go about finding a printing company that prints custom designed paper? It needs to be archival quality paper acid free and lignin free. I've been looking online and I have only found printing companies that do brochures and business cards, pamphlets that type of stuff.
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