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blueballer1331 said:
How do you connect with your printer from an ipad two

This is a good question as I have not been able to do this either. I think you have to have a Mac printer or AirPrint something like that. I really hope I am wrong as I do not have one.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01 Update From NYC using iPF
If you have a wireless home network, then any wireless printer should work. I have no problems printing with my iPad 2 to my HP Officejet Pro 8600.
I use the HOME NETWORK of my PC ( Win7 ) which is connected to my HP Printer by USB. No problems except that the PC has to be AWAKE to use the printer.
Hello Snowdrop - welcome to the forum! :)

Please check out my post in THIS THREAD - post back if this information does not solve your printing issue; certainly other options are available - good luck!
seabrzjo said:
If you have a wireless home network, then any wireless printer should work. I have no problems printing with my iPad 2 to my HP Officejet Pro 8600.

Ok cool, thanks. I will keep trying.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01 Update From NYC using iPF
blueballer1331 said:
How do you connect with your printer from an ipad two

Hi I have just connected a H.P. 3070a printer via my router wifi to my iPad2. Printer cost $109 N.Z and took me about 15 mins from out of box to set it up. It worked straight away and now so long as the router and the printer are on then it is a simple two clicks to print. you need to check that the printer clearly states on the box that it supports air print. Some wifi printers may not work.
SNOWDROP252 said:
I use the HOME NETWORK of my PC ( Win7 ) which is connected to my HP Printer by USB. No problems except that the PC has to be AWAKE to use the printer.

Can you explain how you did this?

I can't print from my iPad ever since I connected the printer through USB to my router. I worked fine when I was wireless.

Is the printer connected directly to the LCD or to the router?

What settings did you have to enable (on iPad) to get to this so called home network?


My Printer ( HP 2050A ) is connected by USB direct to the PC itself and not the Router. You set the PC ( Windows 7 OS ) to allow HOME NETWORK. iPad connects to Printer and PC ONLY when they are both ACTIVE and not in Hibernation. I didn't set anything on the iPad to enable printing..it just came up as being available.
Must be having a "Senior moment"..........of course I am not printing on my Home Network with the iPad...it was my Netbook. Ooooops...sorry, will go away and dig a big hole and throw myself in it. Silly OLD man that I am
Ay yi yi.

So just so everyone knows, you cannot print from your iPad if you've got your wireless printer connected directly to your router through USB . It works fine if you stay wireless , but once you go direct, you head into "no worky land" from the iPad.

My canon printer is wireless and the only way I can print photos is using a canon app, works well as does the scanning.

But it won't print web pages from the iPad due to this AirPrint thing, really beginning to annoy me now to be honest

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