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Prime Minister runs Norway from NY on iPad!


iPF Noob
Mar 21, 2010
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Marietta, GA - USA
Norway's Prime Minister Picks Up Apple iPad in New York

from infoSync World by Sindre Lia


The picture belongs to flickr member Statsministerens kontor, which translates to "Prime Minister's office." Prime Minister Stoltenberg was in Washington DC this week attending the Nuclear Security Summit 2010, and is now in NYC.

He may have plenty of time to explore the iPad, since his flight home -- along with hundreds of others bound for Europe -- has been cancelled due to the Icelandic volcano explosion. He told the Dagbladet newspaper that he's working remotely after an extended airport wait. The newspaper's headline translates as "Jens manages the land with iPad from New York."

Norway's Prime Minister is currently "managing the country" from New York via his new Apple iPad. That's quite a productivity commercial for the iPad.
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Ha, Awesome.

The other day I was thinking as I left the office...one of the things I love about the iPad is it's true portability....close the cover and turn it off and leave.

Every laptop I've owned is such a pain...you need cables and bags and you have to pack it up 10 mins before you go anywhere to make sure everything is there.

I don't even carry my charger with me....ever.

I went 16 hours yesterday and still had 14% left!!!! I just can't kill this thing in a single days use...there just aren't enough hours in the day!
did i miss something? i thought your president was black?
Ha, Awesome.

The other day I was thinking as I left the office...one of the things I love about the iPad is it's true portability....close the cover and turn it off and leave.

Every laptop I've owned is such a pain...you need cables and bags and you have to pack it up 10 mins before you go anywhere to make sure everything is there.

I don't even carry my charger with me....ever.

I went 16 hours yesterday and still had 14% left!!!! I just can't kill this thing in a single days use...there just aren't enough hours in the day!

Wow, I never thought about that but I hate that about laptops too. I have left with a laptop only to discover I left the darn charger (which weights a pound and a half) or the wireless mouse. I also hated the darn automatic display dimming so it could get that fabulous 2 hour battery life.
Turn that off so you could easily see the screen and battery life went to hell so you really needed to try and plug the laptop in to use it.

Look at how bright the screen of Prime Minister Stoltenberg's iPad is.

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Ha, Awesome.

The other day I was thinking as I left the office...one of the things I love about the iPad is it's true portability....close the cover and turn it off and leave.

Every laptop I've owned is such a pain...you need cables and bags and you have to pack it up 10 mins before you go anywhere to make sure everything is there.

I don't even carry my charger with me....ever.

I went 16 hours yesterday and still had 14% left!!!! I just can't kill this thing in a single days use...there just aren't enough hours in the day!
I take my laptop home every night as I have salespeople on the road constantly in N.America and need to be able to work with them at all hours. I leave chargers at home and the office so I don't have to carry them, but the cables and mice and crap really get to me sometimes.

My company's software requires an OS from MS, so that will not change, but if I could run Citrix on the IPad, that could be a breakthrough.
Ha, Awesome.

The other day I was thinking as I left the office...one of the things I love about the iPad is it's true portability....close the cover and turn it off and leave.

Every laptop I've owned is such a pain...you need cables and bags and you have to pack it up 10 mins before you go anywhere to make sure everything is there.

I don't even carry my charger with me....ever.

I went 16 hours yesterday and still had 14% left!!!! I just can't kill this thing in a single days use...there just aren't enough hours in the day!
I take my laptop home every night as I have salespeople on the road constantly in N.America and need to be able to work with them at all hours. I leave chargers at home and the office so I don't have to carry them, but the cables and mice and crap really get to me sometimes.

My company's software requires an OS from MS, so that will not change, but if I could run Citrix on the IPad, that could be a breakthrough.

well be prepared for a breakthru ;)

Citrix Systems Citrix Receiver App for iPad Now Available on App Store

I saw that in the app store the other day.
I did a fairly extensive justification project for bringing in Citrix to our company at the enterprise level, and while it all worked, the breakthrough is now waiting on the dollars to be released to implement:D
haha, we need to send him a link to the forum :)

What case is he using?
haha, we need to send him a link to the forum :)

What case is he using?

That looks like the standard Apple iPad case.

He bought two iPads so he probably bought all the other stuff while in the Apple store to take back with him.

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