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Post your favorite YouTube videos.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 6, 2011
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Edmonton AB Canada
Ever seen something on YouTube that you want to share? Post it here so we can all take a look. Music, entertainment, humor. Doesn't matter so long as it falls within the forum rules.

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Just found this. Ultravox's Vienna is one of my all time favorites. Here it is.

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This is one of my favourite singers at the moment. He's in the top 10 in UK and iTunes. Reminds me of Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer. Which is my all time favourite music video.

May as well have Sledgehammer too!


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Thanks for that, Hayles, and I see what you mean about Sledgehammer.

Here's a group of French kids whose videos I found a while ago. They haven't had much circulation outside France, but their music has a certain something about it. See what you think.

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Was just reminded of another French one. This is Noa singing Vivre from Notre Dame de Paris.

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Two videos with the central theme: TIME

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What a wonderful thread this is.
Have loved them all Kevin!

Yours too Hayles!

This is one that my daughter emailed me. I'd love that device she has.....anyone know what it is?
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Wow! She's so good. Thanks Leelai. I must find more of her songs. Thanks also to Kevin. You seem to like the same songs as me too. I have that andrea bocelli and Sarah Brightman songs as one of my all time favourite songs list.
I have one of Libera's albums too. The French kids sound good too.
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Great thread. Find these videos interesting from the slowmoguys. This is one of there best

Sent from my White iPad 3rd Gen. 32gb using Tapatalk
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That's pretty cool Chantelle
Update. For Leelai and Kevin
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I love slow motion filming. Thanks for that, Chantelle.

As summer (northern hemisphere) will be on us eventually, I thought I'd throw this one in as a piece of advice for the campers among us. Suspend your disbelief, folks.

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One of my current favourites:

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