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Possible to buy iPad at the Airport (Minneapolis)?


iPF Noob
Jul 16, 2010
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I'm moving abroad (Europe) in a couple of days, and was thinking of getting an iPad before I leave. Since I don't have time to do any shopping I was wondering if they sell iPads at the Airport (Minneapolis - St. Paul International in particular)?
There isn't an Apple store at the airport, but there is one at the Mall of America which is not far.
There isn't an Apple store at the airport, but there is one at the Mall of America which is not far.
There are also several BestBuy stores in the metro area. Since you are leaving very soon, you might be just as well off to wait until you arrive at your new destination and see what is available there. If there are not "brick & mortar" stores, you can always order online. Shipping from China appears to be taking about 3 weeks, but shipping to Europe is anyone's guess.
Thank you for your replies. Im going to Sweden which unfortunately doesnt even have a launch-date set for iPad - late fall perhaps. So I will try to get the time to go get one before leaving.
If you can't find one before you leave, you could have someone here order one for you and then ship it to Sweden. Just be sure to declare it as a gift for customs purposes.

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