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Poor WiFi


iPF Noob
Mar 22, 2010
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Like many I am having poor wifi reception. Can see all the issues in the Apple support page on discussions. Does anyone know of a site where I can check the speed of my connection on the iPad. I use four sites for checking my laptops and desktop, but they will not work on the iPad all require Java or flash..(guess I am beginning to see some of the problems some said there would be with the iPad) Also, below are my issues with the wifi

I have two laptops, a netbook and an iTouch they all receive good strong signals in my home. In fact they all pick up several signals from nearby. The iPad only shows the wifi signal from my home. The signal continually goes from good to very weak and then I cannot do anything on the internet. Sometimes it helps to “renew the lease†or turn off the iPad a restart. Like I said even my iTouch picks up all the signals in the area. NOT THE iPAD though. This is a big problem and I sure hope they can come up with a fix. Extremely Disappointing. Its certainly not my router because I am having NO problems with my two laptops, netbook and iTouch I have a basic g wifi router
Sorry to hear about your problems. I haven't seen any fixes or solutions for those that have reported issues. Mine seems to be working just fine on a Linksys wireless N router.

What brand of router do you have? Have you checked to see if there are any firmware updates for it? Not sure that will help the situation, but might be worth a shot.
There's probably a bunch of differnt ways to troubleshoot this but my suggestion is if you have an apple store near you go there. See if they can recreate the issue. If they can you should be able to get a warranty replacement at least. I mean you've only had it for 2 days so shouldn't be an issue.
Several years ago I received 5 Macbook pro's for customers 2 of which had wifi issues. It turned out the wifi aerial was not connected to the mother board. I found out it was a bad batch I am unsure how this is handled in the ipad but reading between the lines something like this may be the problem Its seems its an isolated issue just a few have problems The easiest way to resolve is to take the ipad to a Apple service centre or your nearest Apple store and have it tested They will either have it replaced or fixed as it is under warranty As the ipad is only 2-3 days old the dealer whom supplied it can replace it under DOA This has in most cases 7 days with Apple well at least in Australia.
Like many I am having poor wifi reception. Can see all the issues in the Apple support page on discussions. Does anyone know of a site where I can check the speed of my connection on the iPad. I use four sites for checking my laptops and desktop, but they will not work on the iPad all require Java or flash..(guess I am beginning to see some of the problems some said there would be with the iPad) Also, below are my issues with the wifi

I have two laptops, a netbook and an iTouch they all receive good strong signals in my home. In fact they all pick up several signals from nearby. The iPad only shows the wifi signal from my home. The signal continually goes from good to very weak and then I cannot do anything on the internet. Sometimes it helps to “renew the lease†or turn off the iPad a restart. Like I said even my iTouch picks up all the signals in the area. NOT THE iPAD though. This is a big problem and I sure hope they can come up with a fix. Extremely Disappointing. Its certainly not my router because I am having NO problems with my two laptops, netbook and iTouch I have a basic g wifi router

I'd take it to the store...sounds like an issue with the Wi-Fi radio, could be as someone else suggested a faulty connection. Have you tried using the iPad at anther location with Wi-Fi? Do follow up though so that others can learn from your experience. Good luck.
Still having problems after four days. Have tried in different locations (public wifi spots)with the same thing happening as at home. Primairlly signal gets weak and will not connect anything. I can always get it to reconnect if I "renew the lease". Called apple support today and they had me ,do a backup and download the iPad software and reinstall. They said that if this does not fix the problem they will replace the iPad Checking it out now. By this evening I should know if it working. Also, I noticed that my iPod touch picks up wifi signals around my home, the iPad only sees my home network

Just tried to post this and I had to renew the lease to get it to connect. Calling support this thing is going back
So weird. Are you sure your getting poor reception or are you just seeing one wave and assuming it's poor. I have had occasions that I've only seen one wave...but still got perfectly fast signal. I know the iPod Touch had some issues showing the proper signal until you actually pushed some data....like you would log on and only have one wave, then use it and it jumps to full.
Still having problems after four days. Have tried in different locations (public wifi spots)with the same thing happening as at home. Primairlly signal gets weak and will not connect anything. I can always get it to reconnect if I "renew the lease". Called apple support today and they had me ,do a backup and download the iPad software and reinstall. They said that if this does not fix the problem they will replace the iPad Checking it out now. By this evening I should know if it working. Also, I noticed that my iPod touch picks up wifi signals around my home, the iPad only sees my home network

Just tried to post this and I had to renew the lease to get it to connect. Calling support this thing is going back

Just picked up the new replacement. Seems to be working like it should so far
It is working great Both at home and free wi fi locations. The first one was was apparently defective. Apple was very good about replacing it.

This new one shows other networks near my home the otter one never showed anything but my home network
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So weird. Are you sure your getting poor reception or are you just seeing one wave and assuming it's poor. I have had occasions that I've only seen one wave...but still got perfectly fast signal. I know the iPod Touch had some issues showing the proper signal until you actually pushed some data....like you would log on and only have one wave, then use it and it jumps to full.
Thanks, but it showed it was connected in the settings, but I was unable to continue on the Internet unless I renewed the lease. The replacement they gave me is worrying better so far
Glad to hear you are squared away now. I wonder how many others bought iPads with the same problem. At least those who are still on the fence will get the opportunity to buy refurbed units in the not too distant future :D.

Enjoy your fully functional iPad ;).
Every first gen product may have a few that slip quality control. Good thing apple stands by their products.
Every first gen product may have a few that slip quality control. Good thing apple stands by their products.

I agree I believe it is an antenna problem as its similar to problems I had a few years ago with a batch of Power Macs that I sold I may be wrong could be the wifi board

The point is if you have a serious problem make sure one takes back the ipad to be checked as you have done asap

Cheers Colin

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