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pls help me sort out confusion on iibooks vs kindle store ...pros and cons


iPF Noob
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
Annapolis MD
I just purchased an ipad and am a little confused about stores for ebooks.

I know you can buy ebooks through the apple store, but notice there is also a kindle app available for the ipad.

Aer there any difference between the way purchased ebooks are viewed on an ipad if downloaded on the kindle app vs ibooks from the apple store.

Simply stated ...is one store better than the other, or are the file formats similar when viewed on the ipad.

Thanks for your help!
From my perspecitve after doing some research, both are usefull. But the Kindle App on the iPad doesn't always allow you to view your purchase on the iPad even though you can on a Kindle reader. Basically some of Kindle's partners don't allow the certain books or mags to be viewed on iPad. You have to read the fine print on the Kindle website to know which items work and which don't. So at present I try to only buy from Apple since that will work no matter what.
Personally I use both the ibooks and the kindle apps for reading. They are very slightly different in the features they have, but are both intuitive to use. By using both you have access to two bookstores- the ibooks store and the ebooks supplied by Amazon for the Kindle, which greatly increases your book choice. There are apps with free books too, but I don't have much experience of those. It's really not a question of either/or...have both, and enjoy!
I just purchased an ipad and am a little confused about stores for ebooks.

I know you can buy ebooks through the apple store, but notice there is also a kindle app available for the ipad.

Aer there any difference between the way purchased ebooks are viewed on an ipad if downloaded on the kindle app vs ibooks from the apple store.

Simply stated ...is one store better than the other, or are the file formats similar when viewed on the ipad.

Thanks for your help!

As a general rule, if you buy a book from Apple, that book can only be read with the iBooks app. The same goes for the Kindle app ... only books bought from Amazon can be read on the Kindle app. This is because of Digital Rights Management (DRM), which is coding put into the ebooks by the publisher to prevent copying and/or piracy.

Since you can't mix the ebooks, most people go with either one store so they only have to use one app (keeping their collection in "one place") or they just decide to go with the place that sells the e-book for less. As there are a lot of e-reading apps out there, it's relatively easy to buy from any store selling the cheapest book - then it's an easy matter of downloading the [usually] free e-reader app.

So, IMNSHO, one store is really not better than the other (for me, books are about text and all seem to view just fine, if not exceptional, on the iPad). I usually go with the best price.

I hope this clarifies. If I've managed to muddy up the water, or missed answering your question, let me know. Else, hope I helped.

I use them both-- have both apps, in a folder labeled Library.
I only use Kindle for books. I can view Kindle book on my Android Phone, on my iPad, on my PC and surprisingly, even on my Kindle :)

You may want to take this into consideration if you are not fully committed to the Apple ecosystem, because if you buy your stuff on iBooks, it'll always be tied to iDevices unless someone breaks the DRM (AFAIK, no one has ....someone correct me if I'm mistaken and you can actually get your iBooks out of iBooks).

The apps themselves are similar enough I don't see any advantages of one app over another. Bookstores are a little different, so you may find some stuff in iBooks not available on Kindle and vice- versa.

Given the choice, I always always always go with the option that doesn't tie me into one technology and will go with the most versatile every time (as mentioned, I can switch from Android to iPhone and back again and maybe someday to a Windows phone and my Kindle books will stay with me always and I won't have to repurchase them. I can read on my iPad, then switch to my Android phone and not miss a beat).
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I also buy books from Audible.com that sync on my apple devices through the iTunes and appear in the music icon.
I have books from both. Amazon usually has a better selection, but it's best to shop around. It is like music, price and availability.
I buy from Amazon/Kindle because I want to maintain access to books I've paid for even if I decide to switch to hardware on another platform later. Barnes & Noble also allows access across platforms, but I think it more likely that Amazon will stay in business than B&N.
You can buy the Kindle e-books from an iPad, but not from the Kindle app (like you can on Android). You have to do it through the Safari browser. There is a specific iPad Kindle website: http://amazon.com/iPadKindleStore. This site is the same format as the Kindle store on the Android Kindle app.
... only books bought from Amazon can be read on the Kindle app.

While true in a general sense, you can read any non-DRM book on the Kindle app. There are programs to convert book types to Kindles .mobi format. Calibre is one and I have used it to great success. I have literally thousands of ebooks from my PocketPC days that I have converted to use with the Kindle app (and with my Kindle). There's even a way to convert them so they sync across devices. You can also email books to your Kindle app via Amazons Whispernet. You can also add them via iTunes (just like iBooks). You can also add personal documents now.

All in all I think the Kindle app gives greater flexibilty.

Another reason I like Kindle is that there are free books available EVERY DAY! I get an email every afternoon with between 5-9 free Kindle books of all genres. I've probably downloaded more than I can read EVER.
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You can buy the Kindle e-books from an iPad, but not from the Kindle app (like you can on Android). You have to do it through the Safari browser. There is a specific iPad Kindle website: Amazon.com: Kindle eBooks: Find an eBook, Free eBooks, Digital Books, and Books Online. This site is the same format as the Kindle store on the Android Kindle app.

For the OP's info, the reason you can't buy books within the Kindle app on the iPad is because Apple takes 30% of in-app purchases. Amazon would be paying tens (hundreds?) of millions to them every year for nothing other than that simple ability. Amazon said "screw that" and just pulled the in-app purchasing from the iOS app.

Makes it slightly less convenient.
For the OP's info, the reason you can't buy books within the Kindle app on the iPad is because Apple takes 30% of in-app purchases. Amazon would be paying tens (hundreds?) of millions to them every year for nothing other than that simple ability. Amazon said "screw that" and just pulled the in-app purchasing from the iOS app.

Makes it slightly less convenient.

How often have you gone into Wal-Mart, Target, or Best Buy and found a Kiosk where you could buy from Amazon and download movies, books, and music? Especially when Amazon is not paying for the space the kiosk takes. I think that 30% is a bit steep, but when you own the cow, you get to price the milk.
You can buy the Kindle e-books from an iPad, but not from the Kindle app (like you can on Android). You have to do it through the Safari browser. There is a specific iPad Kindle website: Amazon.com: Kindle eBooks: Find an eBook, Free eBooks, Digital Books, and Books Online. This site is the same format as the Kindle store on the Android Kindle app.

I save that Kindle store URL as an icon on my desktop (actually in my book/reading folder) next to my Kindle app and using double tapping home button can go back and forth between the two (use the bookmark at top and choose to put it on your desktop).

i have a number of reading apps on my Ipad. Kindle (usually my first choice to buy a book), Nook, Ibook, Stanza (now owned by Amazon and kept only to read books from earlier) and more. I am not expecting to move from IOS devices as I have lots of apps after two years, like the experience and am sure I won't buy a Kindle since I prefer the Ipad. It is personal but I tend to buy more from Kindle because it has more choices, good prices, and I like their archiving better. Still I read e pubs and pdfs in Ibooks but keep them in Goodreader also (and Dropbox too).
My brother has a "people of Walmart" app on his android. When I tried, apple had pulled it. Any idea why? I think their hilarious, no brainers to kill time.

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