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iPF Noob
Feb 1, 2012
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Has anyone signed in to their Picasa account and been able to view their photos on the IPad? (There is an android app -
Picasa Mobile that allows this - is there an IPad app that does?
I have had no trouble copying images to my ipad when viewing and downloading pics from picassa. Have you tried the link that hpulmer provided you?

Why not check for yourself to assure that is what you need?
Hi - yes, I am creating web albums from my photo folders on Picasa and am then able to view them on my IPad using the
app that was mentioned.
Thanks for all your help.
I was wondering, though, do the photos go onto the IPad or are they just for viewing through the picasa app?
If they go onto the IPad can they be deleted eventually?

Again - thanks for the answers.:)
Yes, you can delete from your ipad at anytime. If you long press on the picture, it should give you the option to "copy or save image."

Once you do this, go to your "Photo" app and it should be there.

Have fun!
I haven't heard anyone say anything about it lately, but Web Albums for iPad used to be a very popular app for Picasa users.
gulfportgal said:
I was wondering, though, do the photos go onto the IPad or are they just for viewing through the picasa app?
If they go onto the IPad can they be deleted eventually?

No, photos arenot copied/synched with the iPad, its just a viewer. Therefore you also need Internet Access in order to beable to see them.
hpulmer said:
No, photos arenot copied/synched with the iPad, its just a viewer. Therefore you also need Internet Access in order to beable to see them.

Maybe we are referring about 2 different things. Yes, you have to be online initially to view the album, but you can download any of the pics directly to your iPad.

Once copies to your iPad you can view anytime without the need of Internet.

I just did this the other day with an album my cousin shared with me.

Thanks again hpulmer and skimonkey - I am now able to view my picasa photos from my ipad - the key was for me to
create picasa albums of the folders on picasa on my computer - as the albums were created last evening they came up for viewing on my ipad. I did download and use picasa ishow photo hd app. I do realize that I have to be connected to the internet to view the albums. Do I have to be connected in my home only or will they be there wherever I am if there is a wifi connection? :):)
Thanks again hpulmer and skimonkey - I am now able to view my picasa photos from my ipad - the key was for me to
create picasa albums of the folders on picasa on my computer - as the albums were created last evening they came up for viewing on my ipad. I did download and use picasa ishow photo hd app. I do realize that I have to be connected to the internet to view the albums. Do I have to be connected in my home only or will they be there wherever I am if there is a wifi connection? :):)

That I am not sure, since the way I downloaded the pics was different than what you have described. The album was already created by my cousin which he share for me. The only time I needed to be online was go sign in on my google account to view the album. When online, the pictures I wanted to download went directly to my "PHOTO" app.

So I know that you can download and view single photos from albums without an internet connection, but cannot say about full albums. I think you are just going to need to play around with it.

Glad it worked out for you in the end.
gulfportgal said:
Thanks again hpulmer and skimonkey - I am now able to view my picasa photos from my ipad - the key was for me to
create picasa albums of the folders on picasa on my computer - as the albums were created last evening they came up for viewing on my ipad. I did download and use picasa ishow photo hd app. I do realize that I have to be connected to the internet to view the albums. Do I have to be connected in my home only or will they be there wherever I am if there is a wifi connection? :):)

Wherever you have Internet Access you cann access the albums with the app, and yes, skimonkey, if you copied the photos you liked to your photo app you take them along ;o)
I have downloaded picasa ishowphoto hd free - it was working well until this morning. My log in information is not there and I cannot ad it so I cannot open the photo album now. I tapped ad user but the keyboard does not come up and when I tap user name it says "constraint failed". Do you have any suggestions as to how I can enter my log in information so that I can use the picasa ishow photo?
gulfportgal said:
I have downloaded picasa ishowphoto hd free - it was working well until this morning. My log in information is not there and I cannot ad it so I cannot open the photo album now. I tapped ad user but the keyboard does not come up and when I tap user name it says "constraint failed". Do you have any suggestions as to how I can enter my log in information so that I can use the picasa ishow photo?

No idea about the failure, but to add another user do as on the pic below.... Hope it works out. Otherwise uninstall (delete the app) and install again!


  • image-2449165452.jpg
    67.9 KB · Views: 263

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