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Photos delete


iPF Noob
Jun 12, 2011
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Have a lot of photos that I have deleted from the photos folder, but they stay in the photo stream ... How do I delete those in there also?
Thanks, Jim
Hi jimy--you will need to reset your photostream to delete your photos. In order to do this you will need to go into your icloud account. This will however, delete all of your photos. So best make sure that the ones that you do want to save--is properly secured by either mailing it to yourself or putting it into an app like dropbox.

See this thread. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-1-forum/54201-whats-story-photos-ipad-1-ios-5-0-1-a.html and this http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-help/53812-photo-stream.html

Hope this helps you. Let us know. :)
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Well, I went to that link about clearing out the cloud, st up an account, but no photos there to clear out .... Sooo there may be another way :)
Get OS 5.1 it fixed the issue :)
Get OS 5.1 it fixed the issue :)

Yes it will certainly fix that issue-glad it worked out for you. The ability to delete photos on photo stream was an annoyance with the previous update. Seems like Apple heard and fixed it with this new version.

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