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Photo Organization


iPF Noob
May 5, 2010
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Is there any way to organize my photos on my iPad directly? i.e. create albums and move photos into different albums? Or must I do this all on my PC (I don't own a Mac) and then sync them into my iPad?
Just takes some clever album names on the PC until either better app management arrives or an OS update...would love to see that!
Is there any way to organize my photos on my iPad directly? i.e. create albums and move photos into different albums? Or must I do this all on my PC (I don't own a Mac) and then sync them into my iPad?

You can organize your photos through the app named sortshots. There is no need to create the album or folder for the photos you can manage your photos by simply tagging them.Tags can be organized into hierarchical categories as well; the default top level categories are People, Places, and Events. When you transfer the photographs from computer to ipad this application will help in transferring the pics in the same order.

I was looking for an answer too. Sad that Apple doesn't provide such basic functionalities!

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