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Photo Editing Apps


iPF Noob
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
smithtown ny
Any suggestions about excellent apps for this? Free or paid. Has anyone used Snapseed? Are there any photo apps with really good photo editing properties?
To me Photogene is great.....you can do so much with it.
Filterstorm is excellent. It has a bit of Photoshop experience with layers, curves, etc. I have quite a number including Photogene but my preferred apps are Snapseed and Filterstorm.
Any suggestions about excellent apps for this? Free or paid. Has anyone used Snapseed? Are there any photo apps with really good photo editing properties?

Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

Photogene & Snapseed are the two that I have on my iPad, so can do a :thumbs: for those suggestions from previous posters! Good luck on your choices!
I like PhotoForge2 for general editing (cropping, color rebalancing, contrast adjustment.
Also, there is another one called PhotoWizard that does much of the same stuff but also has special effects and the ability to mask and merge layers.
Turbocollage is kind of neat for bunching a lot of pictures together.
Then, Autostich is really great for making panoramas out of many overlapping pictures.
Finally, something like IResize is very nice for turning a bunch of high-memory pictures into something smaller and more manageable.

With Goodreader, I have the ability to email multiple pictures in a single email. thats nice.

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