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Ordered Refurbished iPad Air


iPF Noob
Apr 14, 2015
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I currently own a first Gen IPad. It's just has to be replaced because it has "nervous breakdowns". So I just ordered a refurbished 64 gig Air. Being in the electronics field when I was working, I know that refurbed units have a whole bunch of testing that the new ones don't get. They are actually more reliable units. They have already passed the infant mortaliy period. I hoped I will love the faster new iPad Air.
Besides being thoroughly checked out and supplied with a new battery and case, they also have the same warranty as a brand new iPad. I'm sure you'll enjoy your iPad Air, it's light years ahead of the iPad 1 in performance.
Hi, plz tell me I also check refurbished Apple items. Did these refurbished Available in USA or also in other countries.

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I ordered my Air from someone on Amazon. It was said to be for Verizon, but when I received it in the mail it had AT&T listed in settings. Little did I know , the guy I bought it from was told by Amazon to please put a SIM card in it when selling it (why I don't know) well he put an AT&T SIM card in it. When I got it I was baffled, I didn't realize how easy it was to just get a new SIM card put in it from Verizon. Now it works great with Verizon's service. I'm so confused about mobile carriers on the iPads. Seems like having to state your carrier when buying one is not necessary if all it is, is the SIM card that's in it?
Hello , please tell me if I ask my friend who is in USA to buy iPhone 5 16gb. I also don't give him trouble for go for shopping. It is possible that he give order from home and also get discount. So I will get discount.

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I ordered my Air from someone on Amazon. It was said to be for Verizon, but when I received it in the mail it had AT&T listed in settings. Little did I know , the guy I bought it from was told by Amazon to please put a SIM card in it when selling it (why I don't know) well he put an AT&T SIM card in it. When I got it I was baffled, I didn't realize how easy it was to just get a new SIM card put in it from Verizon. Now it works great with Verizon's service. I'm so confused about mobile carriers on the iPads. Seems like having to state your carrier when buying one is not necessary if all it is, is the SIM card that's in it?

With the iPad 4 and earlier you needed to state your carrier. The iPad's hardware supported either CDMA (Verizon) or GSM (AT&T, and most other carriers). With the iPad Air the hardware became capable of supporting almost all carriers in most countries.

So for recent models, yes, changing the SIM is all you need to do to change carriers.

Well, there is the issue of carrier locking, but you normally only run into this with phones. Most iPad's come unlocked. And even if you are locked, as long as your device is not on contract you have the right to have it unlocked.
Hello , please tell me if I ask my friend who is in USA to buy iPhone 5 16gb. I also don't give him trouble for go for shopping. It is possible that he give order from home and also get discount. So I will get discount.

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And my solution.[emoji25]

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And my solution.[emoji25]

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The iPhone 5 still came in CDMA and GSM versions. One of the GSM versions was meant for use outside the U.S. You need to be careful what phone you buy. While most of the world uses GSM, I understand a few countries use CDMA. I seem to remember India being one of those. LTE support is spotty outside the U.S if you buy a U.S. version of the iPhone 5. Or at least it was at the time it came out.

Since the Verizon (CDMA) phone also supports GSM, it is sometimes considered a world phone; though one has to be careful and make sure that the bands it uses are supported by your carrier of choice.

The iPhone 6 is a world phone, meaning there is only one version and it will work in most parts of the world.

I have no idea what discounts apply where you live, or if they can be used in the United States.
Thank mr.poet some of my friend told me about which ur talking A1429 model is good,now if u r in USA then u will guide me like Walmart or any other online shop also can we order from in December as discount offers. Can we buy online in December.

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I'm sorry. I don't keep track of Walmart's offerings, or online ordering. Especially the online ordering. In the store, where I rarely shop, they usually have the latest two models and little else. That's iPads. I have no idea what they carry in iPhones.

By December I doubt you'll find anything older than the 5s, since that's the new bottom tier phone according to Apple's just finished iPhone announcements.

I'm not comfortable making detailed purchasing recommendations for someone outside the U.S. I don't have the experience or knowledge.
Thank u sir, I m outside but I will tell my relative so he will buy for me, Tks again

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