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Oldie onto FaceTime Q.

So why did you like Scifan's post #38 then Jupiter? You are seemingly contradicting yourself, causing me much confusion. I am tied in knots here.

This ipad has one previous owner only. There is only evidence pointing towards this fact, plus, evidence pointing only to -one- Apple ID tethered to this iPad (not multiple ones). This being his Apple ID.

Thanks, Schwanger
Just because you can only see one previous owner, it’s doesn’t actually mean they owned the iPad from new. It could have theoretically had any number of owners, each one signing out of the device. The iPad is actually useless unless the the seller removes his details.
I think there is some confusion here.

I do not believe there is any limit on the how many Apple iD's you can create, or how many Apple ID's can be created (on device or other wise).

1) In general, you can only use one Apple ID at a time as the main Apple ID on an iPad. You can use different Apple ID's to log into different Apple Services (Music, Family Sharing, iCloud Drive, etc) on the iPad, but it is not recommended. It causes a lot of confusion and can result in buying products from different services that can not be consolidated.

2) You only get one opportunity to create an Apple ID directly on the iPad. That is when you set it up. There should be no limit to how many Apple ID's you can create up this way, but you have to start from scratch on the iPad each time. If there is a hard limit, it would be very large, as it would efectivly limit the number of times you could sell or give away the iPad. I can't imagine Apple doing that.

3) Here is Apple's support article on creating Apple IDs. You'll notice the last one is how to do so on the web. I do not recommend this. While you might make it work for a while, it will only cause problems down the road. See point 1.

3) What does have have a limit is how many devices you can have associated with the same service using the same Apple ID. For instance, you can only have a total of 10 devices (5 computers) signed into Apple Music using the same ID. If you try to do this you will get a warning. It is possible to go to your Apple ID settings and disassociate devices/computers, so this is not some hard/ultimate limit to your ownership of devices. It is probably there to prevent unreasonable sharing of services.

None of this has anything to do with your current problem, as far as I can tell. You ultimately need to get the original owner to release the iPad from his account.

I'm too lazy to read through this entire thread and double check what has/has not been tried and shared, so if this is a duplicate, I'm sorry. But you need follow the part of this support article under

If you no longer have your iPhone or iPad​

You'll need the co-operation of the original owner. If you tried this once and it did not work, all I can suggest is trying again. Until the iPad is released from their account, all other efforts are pointless. All of them. No clever workarounds. No special tools available. At least not officially. No, I don't know of any special backdoor unofficial methods.

It is possible that the original owner, provided they are registered with Apple, can contact tech support and get instructions/help doing this.
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Afaik, Apple limits the number of Apple IDs/iCloud IDs you can create on one device. Three IDs are allowed in one year.

Years ago, it wasn‘t possible to create more than three in general. When I gave my iPad 2 to my daughter, she had to create her ID somewhere else, because I had already reached the number of IDs that could be created on that device.
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Afaik, Apple limits the number of Apple IDs/iCloud IDs you can create on one device. Three IDs are allowed in one year.

Years ago, it wasn‘t possible to create more than three in general. When I gave my iPad 2 to my daughter, she had to create her ID somewhere else, because I had already reached the number of IDs that could be created on that device.
Ok. News to me. I'm having a hard time coming up with why Apple would do this.

In that case, if that's the error code being reported, then creating an new Apple ID using the web (as per my previous post/link would be the only real solution.

Guess I learned something today. What a relief. I can go to bed now. :)
Afaik, Apple limits the number of Apple IDs/iCloud IDs you can create on one device. Three IDs are allowed in one year.

Years ago, it wasn‘t possible to create more than three in general. When I gave my iPad 2 to my daughter, she had to create her ID somewhere else, because I had already reached the number of IDs that could be created on that device.

Hi J.A.

But it's exactly this point, here, when you say:

"she had to create her ID somewhere else, bc I had already reached my limit on her device"

.. is the only thing I want to explore, because

A) it directly applies to my example too (I am, effectively, your daughter let's say.. & the ipad effectively yours let's say: there is no difference between these examples).

And B) because it tallies -exactly- with what scifan said before in #38 (& to which two members agree/ 'liked' the post).

So can someone just tell me how to create an Apple ID, on a separate device-?

This is all I'm asking.

I can then explore (I may need help, because currently I cannot see -where- on god's earth someone " creates an ID " on this Air ipad Im typing on right now) the idea of using an ID created somewhere else, to then take across & at least TRY, on the older ipad.

I'm so totally confused by the information, I'm deluged. All I can do is pinpoint areas of agreement, & if conceivable this could be of help, act on it.

Thanks, Schwanger
I took Scifan’s post to mean that assuming the seller had removed his ID, then you could use an Apple ID created on another device.
I took Scifan’s post to mean that assuming the seller had removed his ID, then you could use an Apple ID created on another device.

Hi Jupiter,

ok I understand your assumption. But even still, the general consensus of info since scifan's #38 post.. is that a limited number of ID's -are- possible, on one device. Perhaps just 2 even. Simultaneously (I see no-one suggest otherwise).

So again, as I'm in such confusion about the info since podt #38, I'm still in the position simply to -try- creating an ID, for my dad (I have made an email account for him, tantalisingly waiting to be used to generate this wretched Apple ID thing).... using.... another device to do so.

Could someone please, pLEASE tell me how this is done. On my other ipad. I cannot see -anywhere- where this is possible. I have scoured this ipad totally top to btm. Nothing/ nowhere says 'create ID'. Once I have this created on this other device, it's at least a start.

Then I am in a position to consider how ( (& IF) it might be transfered across to the older ipad.

Thanks, Schwanger
To create a new Apple ID for your father, go to this site on a device that’s not your father’s iPad:
and create the Apple ID.

That done, take your father’s iPad, go to Settings (the app) - General - Transfer or Reset iPad on your father‘s device, and select “Erase All Content And Settings”. Then follow the instructions to erase it. Set up the iPad as new afterwards, using your father’s new Apple ID.

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