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Notes not syncing with iphone and ipad


iPF Novice
Hi to you all. I have recently added my new iCloud @ me email address to iPad and iPhone . I have it as my default for notes and I can not get notes to sync between iPad and iPhone . Could someone please tell me all the settings I should have to make this happen. I must be missing something. I have checked the settings and they seem to be the same on both gadgets ..
Thank you in advance :)

Sent from my iPad 3 
Hi again I forgot to mention notes was syncing with my yahoo account. I don't know how to change this very confused Waaaaa !

Sent from my iPad 3 
After you turned on Note syncing in Settings iCloud, you should have noticed a new Account button at the top left of the Notes app. You use this to switch between viewing and editing notes in your Yahoo and iCloud accounts (may also be a Local account depending on how things got synced originally). You can also view All Notes. When you add notes in the All Notes mode the notes will go into the Default Account set up in Settings > Notes (This setting only appears when you have more than one note account).

There is no easy way (that I know of) to transfer notes from one account to the other. You pretty much have to copy the note, switch account views, create a new note, and paste.
twerppoet said:
After you turned on Note syncing in Settings iCloud, you should have noticed a new Account button at the top left of the Notes app. You use this to switch between viewing and editing notes in your Yahoo and iCloud accounts (may also be a Local account depending on how things got synced originally). You can also view All Notes. When you add notes in the All Notes mode the notes will go into the Default Account set up in Settings > Notes (This setting only appears when you have more than one note account).

There is no easy way (that I know of) to transfer notes from one account to the other. You pretty much have to copy the note, switch account views, create a new note, and paste.

Thank you I got it sorted, I finally discovered the accounts section and did a bit of copy and paste for the most important notes. There is always something new to learn lol.

Sent from my iPad 3 
Hello, I am in exactly the same position with one noticeable difference. I have more than three hundred notes saved on my ipad. I recently enabled icloud sync in my vain attempts to transfer them to my new ipad 3. Has apple resolved this. I have the two notes accounts appear on my original ipad but have found absolutely no way of transferring my notes from my iPad account to my iCloud account. i am astonished and a bit let down by apple right now.
There is still no way of migrating notes from one account to another.

If you need a more capable note app I recommend Evernote. It comes with an email address that you can send all your existing notes to (abet one by one). Your notes are then available just about everywhere. The free account is enough for most people, but if you want offline access and increased limits it only costs $5 (or less) a month.

There are other options.

Notes has never been a power house, and while I expect Apple will make small improvements over time I don't expect that to change.
I second the recommendation for Evernote. It is WAY better than the native app and handles your issue with little effort.

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RodC said:
I'd use Evernote or DropBox to move files between iPads as when it comes to Notes, iCloud could be tricky.

Evernote is very good, I save my notes there. I use Dropbox for my files, pictures, ...
Both are very useful, because I'm able to access my notes, ... from everywhere and with whatever device I use.
Thanks for your replies. I transferred my notes to my new ipad in the way RodC pointed out. I also started using Evernote as pointed out by J. A. and dumped icloud notes sync. all good.

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