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No Sleep Tonight...


iPF Noob
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
NYC, New York
..though I must in order not to collapse tomorrow! The amount of news articles, video, and the insane app store landslide is overwhelming; I cannot believe all the ipad exclusives, Universal apps, increased feature apps and the original touch/phone apps. This is the launch of all launches.
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..though I must in order not to collapse tomorrow! The amount of news articles, video, and app store landslide is overwhelming; I cannot believe all Ipad exclusives that rolled in. This is the launch of all launches.
Get a bottle of wine, that'll help ya!:p

It is a great launch but I'm so frustrated at not getting one I don't think I'll enjoy it that much. It might even frustrate me more...

To all of you getting one tomorrow, enjoy it "For The Rest Of Us". Aaaah! Familiar words! Anybody remember that slogan?:p
There is definitely some iPad overload... and it's only going to get worse as more and more people receive them.... I can't wait! :)
A number of contacts from Canada are driving in like 7 hours to pick one up! Gotta love the high enthusiasm.
You are right about no sleep tonight. The worse part for me will be the wait tomorrow. I am serving lunch to the homeless tomorrow morning and it will be all I can do to get through it. Isn't that pitifull!! :(
Mine was in Louisville, KY today at 2 something!

Hey Dan, what will this forum turn into after tomorrow?
It's like being a kid again on Christmas Eve :)
I am picking it up so I will wake up very early to go wait near the door... I feel like such a psycho :confused:
I bet UPS's website has received more hits today then ever before :) I know I've been checking at least every 30 minutes for an update.
My eyes are blurry from reading the countless articles and checking, the UPS web site and buying iPad apps........I hope I can still see tomorrow to enjoy the iPad.
..though I must in order not to collapse tomorrow! The amount of news articles, video, and the insane app store landslide is overwhelming; I cannot believe all the ipad exclusives, Universal apps, increased feature apps and the original touch/phone apps. This is the launch of all launches.

It is almost midnight on the East Coast and I STILL cannot get to sleep. I have turned off the computer and the TV once and I am up again!!!!!! UGGHH!!! Santa, please come soon!


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