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iPF Noob
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hi chaps

I am the kid on the block and ive not even bought a ipad yet so i have many questions to ask and i want pick all of your brains.

hope you can help.
Welcome to the forums! What kinds of questions do you have?

Before you go asking any questions, I would emplore you to make use of the forums "search" feature. This will help keep the number of duplicate threads to a minimum as your question may have already been asked!

Other than that, kick back, relax, and enjoy your stay with us. There are many people here all too willing to help you out and answer any questions you do have!
Didn't the best buy corporate zombies eat your brain m8? ;)
Nope, I got out just before they did.
I liked working there, got offered full time at both my jobs and went with the county. At the time I would have rather worked at best buy (would have made more money too). But now I'm glad I left, the store fell apart just after I left. Bunch of people got fired, one guy that was with BestBuy for 10 years had his hours lowered to almost nothing and he ended up quitting.

I do miss the discounts...

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