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iPF Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
new member from SC got my ipad Sat via UPS and loving it!Great device !:ipad-keyboard::)
welcome on board from Asia , i will got mine in less than 4 hours ;-)
Uhmm... where is SC? South Carolina? Southern China? :) Southern Cal?

Welcome to the site!
Played with one today at BB and all I have to say it ways simply amazing!
Almost broke down and got one too..but then I remembered I'm poor for the next couple of weeks..lol
Opinions people:
What's a better deal the 16GB or 32GB?
Last edited:
Played with one today at BB and all I have to say it ways simply amazing!
Almost broke down and got one too..but then I remembered I'm poor for the next couple of weeks..lol
Opinions people:
What's a better deal the 16GB or 32GB?

Hi i have yet 2 16G (testing device) in hand and waiting one 32G (for me) but i will change for a 64 as you will fast use all the space ….
I have the 32 gb wifi model am slowly getting apps for it:)Thanks for welcoming me !

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