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New user in Columbus, Ohio


iPF Noob
Hello all from a new user in Columbus, Ohio. My name is Grant Davis and I just received a new 64G Ipad for my 46th birthday thanks to my girlfriend, mom, kids and sister. My girlfriend orchestrated this without my knowledge and I could not be happier.

I am an avid book reader and game player and thought this would be all I would use the Ipad for. However, I am finding myself more and more enamored with the capabilities of this thing and want to unlock its potential and mine as well. I am not completely technologically challenged but pretty darn close. So, I have sought out this forum as a way to help me with learning from the experts what I can and can't do with my little wonder.

Currently I only have a few games (Angry Birds is my favorite) and three book reading apps (Kindle, Ibooks and B&N ereader). I have been looking for a way to add my google calendar to the Ipad but have not been having much luck (HELP). I was able to get my contacts, pics, music from my Ipod Touch and books transferred. I have also added Pocket Money as I am terrible about keeping track of my check book. I am hoping this will entice me to be a better money manager.

So in closing, I am darned happy to be here and look forward to conversing with some of you to help me with my non-knowledge for using my Ipad to the fullest extent.

Grant Davis
Grant, welcome to the forum. It's a great place to learn about the new things for the iPad and get some friendly help as well. I unfortunately can't help with the google calendar sync as I use Microsoft Exchange (Offuce Outlook 2007) at work and for personal stuff. However, I did find this but don't know if it will work. Try this:
How to Add Google Calendar to Your iPad | GilsMethod.com

Welcome again and good luck.
robsoule, thanks sos much for the link. I got home fom work yesterday and had my calendar downloaded in 5 minutes. I owe you one.

Brhon, nice to see your still flying the colors of the SCARLET and GRAY....GO BUCKS
Greetings Grant! I sync 2 google calendars with my iPad (same one as you have) and my iPhone. Enjoy and if you need any more help than what's in the link above, be sure to ask.

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