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My HD Video Review: The New IPad


iPF Noob
Mar 16, 2012
Reaction score
Just wanted to add this to it's own post - I did a full review of the new iPad 3 / 3rd Gen iPad! Everything is fantastic - and battery life definately seems to have been maintained!

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Hope you enjoy!

Looks brilliant, mine has just arrived - cant open it until Sunday. It's for the wife on mothers day, I am just sat here staring at the box - its absolute torture :p
Thanks for the great video. It has helped tide me over while I patiently :eek: wait for the Fed Ex truck to stop by!
Good review man. Your gonna make me spend $$$!!!

I gave you the answer earlier this morning. "You'll be fine.. just close your eyes every time someone sticks that beautiful retina display under your nose!"

Why do people never listen!:)
Thanks for the review! Nice overview and selection of features. :thumbs:
The retina display is still not a big selling point for me. If I'm gonna pony up the dough, I need something more. This new iPad lacks
The wow factor for me.
nice review great to see some hands on use of the iPad and you hit a few points that were not covered by anyone else like the speakers. ROFL and your iPad was at the setup screen like it should be after taking out of the box. It drives me nuts that all of these people do unboxing videos and act like they are opening it for the first time and then when they turn it on its already setup and has all their stuff on it.

much better then those who apple chose to give the iPads to for a week before the launch, all i got from them was a list of features basically the same as what we saw at the keynote.
Great review. I didn't realize the music app had been changed as i shipped my iPad 2 off before loading 5.1 on it...and on my phone..well, I just thought the difference was because it was a phone with smaller screen.

Good to see games play quickly.

I guess I will open my box now and get mine out.
Thanks for the review. I've never owned an Apple product before or really even played w/ one. I ordered mine today & your review helped me to become more familiar w/ the device!
The retina display is still not a big selling point for me. If I'm gonna pony up the dough, I need something more. This new iPad lacks
The wow factor for me.

It lacks the wow factor since you haven't seen it with your own eyes... I was in your camp before comparing it with my iPad 1.
Holysnikees said:
The retina display is still not a big selling point for me. If I'm gonna pony up the dough, I need something more. This new iPad lacks
The wow factor for me.

It's your money and if you feel that way you're doing the right thing. I disagree with you, however. I'm very pleased with this upgrade. If fact, I think all future upgrades will pale compared to this one.

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