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Month old iPad background hiss problem


iPF Noob
Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
initially don't recall this problem. When audio is required .. whether video or music app started, a background annoying hiss that stays in background, like the tape hiss of yesteryear. if the say music player is paused or stopped the hiss continues for 8 seconds, then shuts off. awful feeling it's hardware related. tried cold boot, resets etc. no avail. have read some others same problem. Your suggestions would be appreciated. I'm not in home country so Apple stores aren't closeby (working in Thailand). what do you think about (groan) a full restore? cheers Merv.
Hi Merv - welcome to the forum! :)

Not sure that I can be of much help, but a few thoughts - did you do the 'Reset' using both the on-off & home buttons as explained HERE; I'm assuming that you did but no harm checking.

Also appears that your sound was working well at the start? Did you noticed any issues when this occurred? Not sure which iPad you own and what iOS is running, but did you 'jailbreak' the device, and if so did the sound problem relate to that change?

Is the sound problem w/ all apps/music/etc? Are you listening via the built-in speakers and/or headphone jack - does the problem persist w/ both of these options? Just a few suggestions - good luck and wish you had an Apple store close by since you'd likely get a free replacement - :(
Sorry for late reply. Still got problem audio hiss thru headphone jack and now worse. Have an ipad2.
Tried the mute/unmute toggle setting. Tried the full restart (full power off/on) etc. all to no avail.
I feel it is a hardware issue. Bad connection jack or internal fault?! In October12 I return to Australia.
Will see the Apple store for a replacement as this is only about 3 months old or less, even now! Hmmm.
Oh, forgot. My iPad original. IOS 5.1. Not jail broken. Headphone jack outlet audio main problem. Dock connector ok.
That does sound as though there is a hardware electrical short somewhere I'm afraid. I had a similar thing on my first iPhone4.
Since you are on 5.1, I would suggest you update to 5.1.1 first just to double check. Apple will insist you have restored to the latest IOS, so it is best to get that out of the way. But chances are it's hardware and not software related. A quick trip to the Apple store to demonstrate the hiss should see you get the unit swapped out for new one on the spot.

Let us know how you get on.
iPad hiss

Yes, many thanks for your suggestion and response. Will post again later .. Re progress :). Merv

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