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Microsoft/Excel 2010


iPF Noob
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
I need to download this software on my iPad. How do I do this successfully???? Please help :}
I think the best you can do is get Numbers (~$10) and use that. Numbers is mostly compatible with Excel but the macros won't work.
As a follow up question:

After buying, for instance, the Numbers app. How do you transfer your Excel documents from a Windows PC to the iPad?
jgm said:
As a follow up question:

After buying, for instance, the Numbers app. How do you transfer your Excel documents from a Windows PC to the iPad?

Probably email to yourself the document like a photo
jgm said:
As a follow up question:

After buying, for instance, the Numbers app. How do you transfer your Excel documents from a Windows PC to the iPad?

Email, Dropbox, iTunes, etc......so many different solutions, just give them a try and choose what works best for you.

The Archangel
Search in the Aps list and you could find this apds it is free..then download it
I need to download this software on my iPad. How do I do this successfully???? Please help :}

I use quickoffice... It's work well....

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