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Magnified Screen???


iPF Novice
Apr 28, 2011
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I don't use any accessibility features. These have always been turned on...and are turned off now.

So, today while out driving around testing the LTE on my Verizon 4G iPad, I was pressing near the home button. All of a sudden, the screen was magnified or zoomed in. It was like 1/4 of the entire desktop was zoomed to fit the entire screen. Icons were huge. It made it hard to do anything. I could not get out of it...I finally had to turn the device off and on again to get the display back to normal. Again, I just checked those accessibility features and they are all off.

What to make of this?
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One of the Accessibility features is a triple click of the Home button. This can either turn on/off one of the Accessibility features (including Zoom), or bring up a menu that will ask you what feature to turn on/off.

Check your settings to see if that was on.

Anyway, a double tap with three fingers should have taken you back out of Zoom mode. Or another triple tap on the Home button.
There is no way that was turn on...(I had an error in my initial post - see the bold part). I checked it immediately after I powered the machine off/on. I don't need or use those features. And even though, the screen was practically unusable. I can't believe those features would function like what I had. I could not use the tablet.

It is possible that I hit the home buttom 3 times, as I was pressing in that area when this happened. I think there is a weird software state lurking in iOS 5.1.
If it wasn't Zoom mode, then it was probably just a glitch and is unlikely to happen again.

If you have not done so, you might want to read the instructions below Zoom mode, turn it on, and play with it a bit. Just so you know what to look for if it does happen again. Might save some trouble shooting steps and a visit to Apple.
twerppoet said:
If it wasn't Zoom mode, then it was probably just a glitch and is unlikely to happen again.

If you have not done so, you might want to read the instructions below Zoom mode, turn it on, and play with it a bit. Just so you know what to look for if it does happen again. Might save some trouble shooting steps and a visit to Apple.

Good idea. Thanks.

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