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LOL - The New iPad - I got owned :(


iPF Noob
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
London, England
While shopping at my local supermarket a bit earlier this morning I noticed a couple of new iPads on display in the electronics section. One of the assistants was busily working away on one of them setting up the Internet.

I spent a couple of minutes playing around on the second iPad and pointed out the assistant how fantastic the new display looked.

The assistant then pointed out to me that the unit I was playing around on was an iPad 2 ! :eek: I honestly didn't believe him until I properly compared them side by side.

I suddenly remembered at that point that I needed to be elsewhere in the store :eek:

In my defense I'm not the first person to have made a similar error:

http://gizmodo.com/5894094/we-people-an-ipad-2-told-them-it-was-the-new- ipad-and-they-loved-it

Though you would have thought I would have been able to tell the difference given that I now own both!
IMHO if one is not a game player the new iPad will not make their iPad experience any great step forward, just some more money given to Apple.
I read the Gizmodo thing yesterday and thought it was a bit unfair to use people who clearly didn't own any iPad, so didn't have much basis for comparison, but yes would've figured that someone who owned an iPad 2 should be able to see a difference.

With my iPhone 4S side by side with iPad 1 and 2, I can see the retina screen difference, but it's not a big deal to me.
I went to my local pc world where they had one on display next to a load of iPad 2's. I had two side by side and couldnt tell them apart. It was only when the sales guy told me I was holding 2 iPad 2's lol. The actual iPad 3 had a dead battery and wasn't charging properly they said so I never did get to see one.
I went to my local pc world where they had one on display next to a load of iPad 2's. I had two side by side and couldnt tell them apart. It was only when the sales guy told me I was holding 2 iPad 2's lol. The actual iPad 3 had a dead battery and wasn't charging properly they said so I never did get to see one.

OK, that's funny.
In my business, it is apparent that some people are more sensitive than others in things of taste, look, and feel. At home, I am a person that loves trying new foods, and can tell minor differences in some foods. My wife could live on TV dinners and be content. She even makes her own TV dinners to stick in the microwave every day. I do most of my own cooking.
I think this should be in the cooking section so I'm moving it over there.

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