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Just Did It!


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
Houston TX
I've been looking for iPad info for the past few weeks, and this site has the most answers I've seen anywhere. I'm convinced; I just pre-ordered a 32GB Wifi & 3G iPad. Now the wait is on.
I'm known as a PC guru among friends and co-workers, but I am Apple ignorant, so I may ask some questions that seem obvious to the initiated. :D
Welcome aboard edge7! :)

Ask away, at least if we know the answer most here will be more than happy to help out.

Be courteous though, remember to use the search tool to see if your question(s) have already been answered in another thread. Heck, I even have to remind myself, but then Im not asking questions typically more so answering them is my forte.

My card was just charged today so that means my iPad is on its way here.. I hope they put a fast engine in it, so it can speed its way here! (bleh bad joke)

Welcome again.. enjoy :)
Welcome to the forums!!:) Hope you enjoy the site!

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