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Just cant figure out handbrake


iPF Noob
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
Cant for the life of me seem to figure out hanbrake, ive downloaded a couple of movies now from dvd, each time they come out blurry fuzzy pixulated and jumpy basicly unwatchable, i know theres lots of threads on here about hanbrake which ive read up on, ive been on youtube also, am i missing something ! Have i got something in the settings wrong ? Ive also downloaded VLC but its still not working properly, any help on getting the right settings will be greatly recieved. Thanks
If you found a solution, please share it! I'm just dealing with the same problem.
noel1 said:
Cant for the life of me seem to figure out hanbrake, ive downloaded a couple of movies now from dvd, each time they come out blurry fuzzy pixulated and jumpy basicly unwatchable, i know theres lots of threads on here about hanbrake which ive read up on, ive been on youtube also, am i missing something ! Have i got something in the settings wrong ? Ive also downloaded VLC but its still not working properly, any help on getting the right settings will be greatly recieved. Thanks

Since you mentioned DVDs my first question is Windows, Linux, or Mac?

If windows and you're trying to convert a DVD you have to rip the DVD to your hard disk and decrypt it or use an on-the-fly decrypter both of which are of questionable legality depending on your location.

The symptoms you're describing are typical of what happens if you try to use it to encode a DVD without removing the CSS encryption. If you're using the iPad preset, that's the only thing I can think of that could be the issue. If you're not using the preset, try that, or as a test try the iPhone preset as well.

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