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Just bought my mom an ipad 2


iPF Novice
May 8, 2011
Reaction score
Good ol' Midwest
Right away, i noticed it was completely dead out of the box. Mine had at least a half charge out of the box. I thought it was weird, but i plugged it in anyway. Now, two hours later, it says 78% charged plugged into the wall, but soon as i unplug it, it dies. Did we get a dud?
Take it back and get your money back, then buy it from an electronics dealer, Apple is the best place, but Best Buy is good for returns if need be

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Don't trust bestbuy, Most of the products with the handling, they would just put it in a box after they secure the package. They rip people off on a lot of their products too! The only good is when you buy in bulk of their washing machines and such.
yof said:
Don't trust bestbuy, Most of the products with the handling, they would just put it in a box after they secure the package. They rip people off on a lot of their products too! The only good is when you buy in bulk of their washing machines and such.

Hello YOF, that may be what you have experienced but I have a totally different experience with Best Buy. I bought the new iPad at a Best Buy here in Fort Wayne, Indiana, it had a screen problem. I went back the following Monday and showed a technician the problem, a couple of other representatives looked at it and they concluded what I had concluded and that was the screen was bad. Admittedly, if they did not concur, I was prepared to take them to the new iPad in demonstration and show them. Their chief concern was whether or not they had the exact same model to replace my defective iPad. They did. The technician showed me how to reset the iPad. He took the box it came in and started doing the paperwork. The cashier started her paperwork to give me the replacement iPad and whilst she was doing that, I saw the technician put a defective product decal on the box and place it a holding bin. I can't vouch what they did with that iPad once I left the store.
I live in Indiana, too! I live southwest of Indy. I am going to take the ipad back and hope they have another 64gb to replace it with.
Over the years I have purchased many things from BB and gave no problems, it depends on the people and manager wether or not the are a reputable store

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
My BestBuy has a full time Apple Rep. on site he makes sure every Apple customer is taken care of the right way. Not sure about other BB but mine at 71st Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma is Ok by me.
Same here it is kinda a large BB and they have a couple reps and they have a hide display section take up more than half of their tablet, laptop section...lol

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

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