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Just bought an iPad....


iPF Noob
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
Augusta, GA
Hello all. I purchased a 64gb 3G iPad Saturday at Best Buy. My main reason
for purchasing this was to use in the cockpit of my airplane as a moving map
display. To say the least I am thrilled. I have to say that I was once one of
those iPad haters... until I actually started using it. It really is an amazing
little machine. I have also purchased the anti-glare screen protector but am
waffling on a case. I like the look of some of the carbon fiber and hard candy
cases but I am concerned about heat issues. Does anyone have any
thoughts? Also what kind of apps are must haves?

Thanks for a great forum!

Also what kind of apps are must haves?
Without knowing what other kinds of things you are interested in using your iPad for, that would be impossible to answer. (But you are bound to get a lot of opinions... and you know what they say about opinions!)

If you search the iTunes store and search for "aviation", you will see that there are quite a few iPad apps (some of which are games or test prep stuff that you probably won't be interested in), but there does appear to be some interesting stuff on there. For instance, you can keep all your FAR/AIMS on your iPad, a couple of weather radar apps, and a couple of chart apps to name a few. If you look at the iPhone apps (which will work on your iPad but in a smaller format), this shows tons of additional apps, including aviation jokes! One useful thing to look at might be one of the logbook apps, one of the flight calculators or an app that shows the current NOTAMS. I am sure you already have access to things like this, but it might be nice to keep them all in one handy place on your iPad.
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Thanks for the reply 1991-C4. I have been in the App store and found
several useful apps. I am using SkyCharts Pro and ForeFlight 3 HD for my
aviation needs. I hadn't thought about log book apps. Will definitely check
that out.

Any comments of using a hard case on the back and heat? I have to say
that I am using it more and more and the laptop is sitting idle.

I don't think you need to worry about heat issues. If I were flying with my iPad, I would be thinking more about modifying a cheap case so that I could velcro it around my thigh.
I agree with NumbLock that modifying a kneeboard might be the way to go. Sporty's has all kinds of boards for $15 on up... but I am sure you already know about them!
I just have to ask what type of plane to you fly :) that was dh's major in collage, then my cousin as a byplane he flies for air shows.

I am scared of them but it seems every one close to me loves them LOL
I currently fly a CAW Sport Cruiser and Remos G3-600. These are in the Light
Sport Class of aircraft. Lots of fun to fly and are great for the type of flying
I like to do.

Not to hijack this thread...

I am not familiar with that Czech airplane, but the Remos G3-600 is one nice ride!

This was going to be my retirement project, but the parent company in Germany of the North American subsidiary I work for filed for insolvency protection in the German court system about 6 weeks ago! So it looks like no long-term financial commitments at this time :(


(Its a Zodiac CH 650 kit plane from the Zenith Aircraft Company.)

Now back to your regularly scheduled topic!
Not to hijack this thread...

I am not familiar with that Czech airplane, but the Remos G3-600 is one nice ride!

This was going to be my retirement project, but the parent company in Germany of the North American subsidiary I work for filed for insolvency protection in the German court system about 6 weeks ago! So it looks like no long-term financial commitments at this time :(


(Its a Zodiac CH 650 kit plane from the Zenith Aircraft Company.)

Now back to your regularly scheduled topic!

I am very familiar with the Zodiac 650(formerly 601's) They are great
flying airplanes. In fact the Certificated aircraft are manufactured here in
Georgia by a company called AMD. It is in Eastman, GA. I have been
watching quite a few of these on Barnstormers going for ridiculously low
prices, i.e. sub $20K. I am thinking of purchasing one and refurbishing it.

Do you have your cert? I am still training with 5hrs left until my check
ride. Really looking forward to completing this so I can continue learning
while going places. Oh.. and the iPad will have a prominent place in the

Believe it or not, I do not have my cert... yet. I have only been plugging away at it for a little over 30 years!


Before 9/11, I was one of those poor souls who just needed to take my long cross country and fill in the rest of the hours. But somehow, life has managed to derail my plans! That is why I was planning on building one of these after I retire which should be in the next 6-7 years. Well that was the plan before my company went turtle!

But anyway, we live about 80 miles from Mexico, MO and we are there once or twice a month to see our daughter and her two daughters. One of these weekends we might just go up there and I will drop off my lovely bride at the kid's house while I spend some quality time at the Mexico airport taking one of their classes.
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I still have to do my solo cross country(next Thursday) and fly off the rest
of the solo hours and then I can take the check ride. Hopefully this will be
completed before Air Venture in Oshkosh(Jul 26-Aug1). Then I need 5hrs
of dual in our Remos before I can officially be put on the insurance.

The Zodiacs haven't changed much over the years. If you visit the Zenair
facility you will pick up many skills and may find you have a tail or wing
built and then you will really be in trouble. I have actually found one in
Bakersfield, CA. that needs the wing update for $19K asking price and this
is with an engine and prop. Would probably make a nice project plane.
While I am a part owner of an airplane I do not know many pilots who
would not want their own. This has been a dream of mine for 49yrs and it
has been fun so far.

Oh.. I solo'd on 6/22/2010

While I am a part owner of an airplane I do not know many pilots who would not want their own.
Well you know what they say are the two happiest days for an airplane owner?

They also say the same thing about boats and Corvettes and I can attest to the truth in that statement. That still doesn't make me want to own my own airplane any less!

Good luck on the X-country.


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