Richard Brown
iPF Novice
Oh ok.. EIT= Engineer In Training
Its the first step to start logging developing hours to get a Professional License 4 yrs later. Once licensed you get a seal to design and have your own firm to offer services. Im in Texas and its the second time i take it :/ but i was very close the first time and ive put a lot of study time so i should be fine. How long u been in Civil Engineering? Any cool apps for the ipad that u found? I bought Bluebeam Pdf Revu and it really helps in marking up drawings.
Good Luck with your exams, Ovedi. I went through much the same when I studied to become a Chartered Surveyor.
There is a great thread under which a member wrote an excellent review of Office type apps with +'s and -'s for apps such as Numbers and Pages. I need to search out the thread.
I'm thinking back when I was a senior in college and iPads/smartphones weren't available at the time. I don't even think I had a phone either for that matter!
...come to think of it, I don't recall even having Internet back than. Wow...I am really dating myself here!!![]()
Snap, Skimonkey

Public phone boxes with a black box with a A button to accept coins when you got through. And a B button to return your coins if you didn't abounded

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