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iPF Noob
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Is it worth it? I'm using 5.1 iPad 2 and thinking of using absenthe any reviews?
First of all, Welcome!
I'm sure you'll find lots of useful stuff on here.
I'd recommend reading the forum rules and looking at some of the stickies threads on here. Many of them are very useful, if you have time (and you'll need quite a bit) I'd also recommend reading the tips and tricks thread (search for it using the search bar) as that has some really useful pointers in it.
I'm not going to be able to give you pointers on your question as it's not something I've done as I don't feel the need. What I can point out is that there are loads of threads with this question on the forum and there are a few threads worth reading in the appropriate section that will have many views on jail braking and the best way of going about it if you decide it's for you. Finally I'd just like to alive you a friendly reminder about any questions you may have, it's always best to search function to find something out first as the chances are your query has been answered before, whats more you'll often get a faster answer as it can take a while for someone to come along that can help sometimes. If however, you search to no avail, go ahead and post something (preferably in the correct section [speeds up your answer and makes less work for the admins]), chances are someone will be able to help.
Thanks, and remember, search is your friend.

Sent via iPF from my iPad.
I used to jailbreak my iPhones and iPad but couldn't be bothered to do it again once iOS 5 came out and can't say I particularly miss anything from the jailbreak.

For me the main benefit was quick access to a wifi and bluetooth toggle which I wish Apple would put in the drop down notification centre :)
mikespe said:
Uh...there isn't a jailbreak for 5.1 yet....unless you guys are hiding something from me!

LOL, i could have sworn the post said 5.0.1 when i read it!

Apologies OP. mikespe is right. 5.1 can't be done on iPad2 yet... But hope you enjoy reading about the subject anyway! :)
LOL, i could have sworn the post said 5.0.1 when i read it!

Apologies OP. mikespe is right. 5.1 can't be done on iPad2 yet... But hope you enjoy reading about the subject anyway! :)

I red the thing THREE times just to make sure read it right after reading all the replies!!! LOL You guys gt me excited for a minute! Now I need a cold shower!

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