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iWork's being removed


iPF Noob
Dec 27, 2011
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I use iWork's with iCloud to view and work on docs so what am I going to use to share my docs with my computer. I have pages but don't know how to share it with my computer like iwork
In your iCloud settings on the iPad make sure Documents and Data is turned on.

In Settings > Pages, make sure you've turned on Use iCloud.

When connected to the internet, open Pages to the docoments screen and wait until all documents are finished syncing.

Go to icloud.com in any reasonably up to date Browser. You can download and upload docoments from there.
Is there a way to keep pages docs on my iPad without syncing?... It's awfully frustrating to go to open a pages doc somewhere with no Internet only to find out they're all gone because it tried to sync...
Is there a way to keep pages docs on my iPad without syncing?... It's awfully frustrating to go to open a pages doc somewhere with no Internet only to find out they're all gone because it tried to sync...

When the iWorks apps sync with iCloud they still store a local version of the file. However, it appears {i.e. I'm guessing) that those documents will not display until the iPad has tried to connect to iCloud and check for updated versions. Only after it fails to find iCloud does it get around to displaying the document folder. Ive seen this take up to a minute when my internet is really bad, probably because instead of simply failing it has to keep trying.

I find that (sometimes) putting the iPad in Airplane mode will speed this up.
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