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iTunes9 needed for iPad crashes Outlook


iPF Noob
Apr 18, 2010
Reaction score
Cupertino CA
Just got an iPad and installed iTunes9 on an Win-Vista box for "validation". It crashed an Outlook 2007 install that had been stable for years. "Crash" means that Outlook attempt to open, flash a screen then disappears, and I can no longer open Outlook. It seems that the problem comes from buggy Apple SYNC dll's. Re-installation of Outlook will not solve the problem, only uninstall of iTunes9 will allow my mission-critical Outlook to operate ... but then, how do you even access iPad without iTunes, as iTunes9 is needed to recognize iPad ? Any idea how to solve that issue ?
Problem found with Win-Vista/XP and Outlook 2007/2003/2000; I had no problem in the past with previous iTunes and iPod.
iTunes has been on the PC platform for some time Thousands of users use outlook vista and iTunes this is the first time I have heard iTunes causing a problem like this.

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iTunes has been on the PC platform for some time Thousands of users use outlook vista and iTunes this is the first time I have heard iTunes causing a problem like this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It could just be a coincidence too!

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