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Is there an app like MxTube


iPF Noob
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Hi there, my mate in the US has an app called MxTube that allows you to download HD YouTube videos and watch them without an Internet connection or buffering time once he's downloaded them, I was wondering if there was such an app on the app store for unjailbroken iPad's? I don't want to illegally jailbreak it either.... HELP! Thanks =D
Jailbreaking (at least in the US), isn't illegal. Pirating is though.

Sent from K48
Sharniie786 said:
Thanks @VR41541

@biobunny, I know it's not illegal in the US but it is in the UK.

So go to the us,jailbreak it there and then go back to the uk.He he
My understanding is that,

Jailbreaking in UK is not illegal as long as it is done for interoperability reasons rather than for the purposes of infringing copyright

So, jail break away. Just don't commit piracy and you're good to go. And, that way, as a jail breaker, you can download and use MXTube, which I can tell you works fine on a jail broken device.

Sharniie786 said:
Thanks @VR41541

@biobunny, I know it's not illegal in the US but it is in the UK.

Sorry it's just because here at the iPad Forums strongly dislike "Pirating gives me free apps" threads.

Sent from K48
I've used TagDisk+ in the past to do this, but not recently and the reason I'm slightly hesitant is that You tube occasionally changes
things slightly to frustrate downloaders.
Plus the chrome extension on the desktop is too easy :)
I use tagdisk on my unjailbroken ipad and Protube on mu jailbroken iphone 4s

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