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iPF app


iPF Novice
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
SC on the water
I really like this app!

I do have a question. When I start the app, in order to view this forum the way that I see it on my laptop, I have to click on a thread and then click the right arrow on th top of the page of the thread.

Is there a setting that I am missing?
Hi Alexis-yes, you can select a thread to open and read from the app. Once you have selected a thread and want to reply, hit the box with the squiggly arrow in it. Hope that helps!

Thank you!

However, I like looking at the forum the other way. The way that it looks in a browser. I can check notifications, change my settings, etc.

I'm just glad that I figured out how to get the 'browser' view. I thought that there might be a setting that I was missing.

Thank you again for the detailed answer!
Aha-not the app!

Yes, using safari mobile to get to the forum website-you can access your settings there, check for notifications (private messages, likes). In settings, you can change your avatar, add your bio, etc.

Sorry for the confusion. I was trying to send you pics of the app, however, had issues with the skitch app-perhaps user error!

Anyways, hope that clears it up!

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