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IPad Use in Europe


iPF Noob
Sep 4, 2011
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I have an IPad, 3G which I'm using in the US, do I have to do/buy anything to use in Italy?
Is it a Verizon or AT&T? AT&T will work just fine on 3G in any country in Europe, Verizon will not work anywhere in Europe on 3G. You'll probably want to get a local pre-pay (PAYG - pay as you go) microSIM in each country to avoid roaming charges, but that's all. It's very straightforward - particularly in the UK - and you're good to go. Of course, you'll need the usual travel adaptor, but the iPad charger itself will be fine.

There's WiFi everywhere, so you might not even need 3G. It's very very widespread in urban areas - malls, coffee shops, hotels, motels, restaurants, franchises, much public transport and public buildings - even some city centres in the street.

Have a great trip.


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